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The one where Taehyung has flowers

Taehyung loves Jungkook, but he knows Jungkook would never love him back. How could he when he's been in a serious relationship with his girlfriend, Lalisa, for 3 years now?

Taehyung has come to accept it. He accepted it a while ago. The lonely nights Jungkook would ditch him for Lalisa. The incredibly painful heart aches. The sharp pinkish red thorny roses that would escape his lips at anytime he thought about Jungkook. He's come to accept it all. It's been 11 years since the first petal fell anyway.

The first flower had been a beautiful Brown Disbud Cremon. The exact colour of Jungkook's hair. That's how he knew. He basically memorised the wonderful shades of the boy's hair. Even the pinkish red he had now. Even though those shades caused him so much pain, he loved them. He was so hopelessly in love with Jungkook.

With time the flowers just got bigger, a reminder of his ever growing infatuation with Jungkook. He dearly wished he could stop— stop loving the man he's known for years, but alas, he could not.

With each moment of Taehyung watching Jungkook and Lalisa being all cute, he felt the flowers grow bigger, and the stems wrapped around his lungs grow tighter. The more he watches Lalisa get all that love and attention, the more he wishes— yearns for it, and the bigger the flowers get.

One day, it almost gets too much. The day Jungkook tells him about his new engagement to Lalisa. They would be getting married in a matter of months, and Taehyung stupidly agrees to be the best man. He would do anything for Jungkook.

Despite his depression over this, he couldn't help the swell in his heart when Jungkook talked excitedly about the wedding.

Jungkook was beautiful in every way while Taehyung was quite the opposite. Jungkook's plump lips poured out joyful words, while Taehyung's chapped ones poured out bloody flowers. His eyes sparkled with happiness while Taehyung's dulled with sadness. His upbeat body movements were a definite contrast of Taehyung's own— frozen with complete loss of hope. He now had zero chance with his dear Jungkook.

That night, Taehyung coughed out a whole bush of roses, blood splattering across the sink and onto the mirror. His face stained with streak marks of tears, eyes puffy, hair damp with sweat. He cursed his idiotic self for being so deeply in love with Jungkook, even though he knew it could never happen.

Wrapping his arms around his stomach and wincing in pain, he curled into a ball on the bathroom floor and tried to breath. The stems got tighter, and his oxygen supply was depleting.

'Is this the end?' He thought bitterly. 'Can I finally be free of my suffering?' His vision tinted a dark brownish gray, growing darker and darker— until a vision of Jungkook's smile filled his mind. The corner of his lips tugged upwards fondly, and he felt the stems loosen a bit. His love for Jungkook may be the reason for his slow death, but it's also the very thing keeping him alive.

A couple months of stressful preparation pass by like a speedy wind in the desert, and the wedding finally arrives. Taehyung was helping Jungkook put on his groom's wear, making sure he looked nothing but his best for his big day. He diligently ignored the ever growing flowers and tight stems in his chest as he forced a too-big-to-be-real smile.

"There," he said, finishing the complicated tie of the bow around Jungkook's neck, "now you look perfect for your bride." Jungkook gave him a wide grin as a thanks, and Taehyung felt a few large petals rise in his throat. He excused himself from the room, trying his best to calmly walk into the bathroom without any petals escaping.

Locking the door, he threw himself at the toilet and retched out every flower he could. A couple minutes drag by of whole roses basically flowing out of Taehyung's mouth and into the bowl. When the river of flowers ended, he looked up at his appearance in the mirror in front of him and fixed his look. Putting on a better looking smile, he traipsed out of the bathroom and headed towards the alter. 'Time to watch your only love get married to another' was the current thought in his head.

Standing at the alter for a few minutes while Lalisa slowly walked up the isle, accompanied by her father, Taehyung knew that the flowers in his heart would swell too much before the end of the wedding. He wouldn't even make it to the Bachelor's party. He pushed the sad thought to the back of his mind and tried to be the most joyful he could be for his best friend's big day.

After a couple of words from the priest, the formalities, vows, and the "I do"s, it was time for the bride and groom to kiss. That was it. The last Taehyung could endure.

Before their lips touched, a loud, choked cough interrupted them. All heads turned towards Taehyung as he hacked out an endless amount of flowers, of course, the same shade as Jungkook's hair. A series of gasps filled the room. Jungkook's face twisted from joyful to worried in a matter of seconds as he quickly ran over to his friend, holding him in his arms and lowering him to the floor.

"Taehyung! Taehyung, what's wrong! Why are you coughing out flowers?! Taehyung speak to me, please," Jungkook cried out, tears slowly emerging from his worried eyes. Taehyung couldn't make out anything but Jungkook's downcast expression as he coughed out, "Why're you crying, Kookie? It's your big day, be happy!" A couple more petals flew out of his mouth and slowly descended to the ground. More tears and sobs escaped Jungkook as he realised what was happening.

The Hanahaki disease was affecting his best friend. With a soft whisper he asked, "Who? Who are you in love with Taehyung?"

A handful of large flower petals evaded Taehyung's mouth, signs of life draining from his very being.

"Who?!" Jungkook shook Taehyung. "Please, answer me! I— I can't lose you!"

Taehyung slowly turned his head to Jungkook, pressed his lips to the latter's own, rasped out a small, "You don't need me. You have Lalisa," and shut his eyes.

In Taehyung's last moments, he got what he wanted. A kiss from his love. He could die happy now.

As Taehyung's head lolled to the side, a sign of his death, Jungkook was left frozen. He couldn't believe that he was the reason for his friend's suffering.

"I— I'm sorry, Taehyung. I'm so, so sorry that I didn't realise sooner," he choked on his own tears. "You're the most important person to me, I'm sorry!"

He touched his forehead to Taehyung's own. "I love you too! I love you, and I'm so sorry, I—" his heart ached so much.

With another kiss to his dead friend's lips, he screamed. He screamed so much, his throat began to ache, and his voice cracked. Breaking down onto Taehyung's still chest, he cried. He cried for what felt like long, excruciating hours— but was only minutes. His cries blocked out his surroundings.

He suddenly began to choke, something trying to force itself out of his throat. With a sharp cough, he spat out a cream and strawberry coloured petal. His eyes widened in recognition, knowing that he just fell in love with his best friend.

His newly dead best friend.

His sobs became bigger and louder as he realised he would soon die too.

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