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The one where Taehyung runs out of time

Everyone is born with a clock. This clock is located on a person's arm, forearm to be exact. It is the direct opposite colour of a person's arm. The clock counts down the exact time until the owner's death. In some cases, a second clock could appear. This means that there are two different outcomes of your life. Both clocks have a possibility of being your future time allotted, dependant on what course of action you take. Some people dread knowing the exact moment they die, while others relish in the fact that they are aware of how much time they have left to do all they want. No one is born without a clock. Everyone eventually runs out of time.


Kim Taehyung looked both ways before beginning to cross the street. He woke up thinking the sun looked great outside and that it was a lovely day to go out for a walk, so he took the chance.

He slowly took each step across the crosswalk, taking in the scenery of his lovely neighbourhood. The grocery store in front of him was bustling with life, strangers greeting him with smiles as they made eye contact. He couldn't help but smile back.

Halfway through his leisurely stroll across the street, he felt an itching on her arm, indicating that his timer had changed. Looking down, he saw his timer counting down from 73 years, like usual, and a secondary one, one that appeared anew, counting down from 14 seconds.

Panic and adrenaline filled him, and he froze up, his carefree attitude long gone and forgotten.
What the–?

Nothing except fear and frantic thoughts crossed his mind as he swivelled his head side to side to find the threat.

Taehyung ended up hearing it first before seeing it.
A loud honk had started to fill the air, the sign of a vehicle approaching. He turned his head to his left side abruptly to see a massive truck coming at him. Around him, he could hear the blurred out noise of screams for him to move and the blaring of the truck's horn.

"Move, dude!"

"You'll get hit!"

"Get out of the way!"

He couldn't move as his body was paralysed with fear. He was going to die here and there was nothing he could do about it. He started to weep uncontrollably, the only thing his body could do at this point.


Jeon Jungkook left the neighbourhood grocery store in a great mood. The lovely cashier attending to him had offered to help him pay for his things when she said that he was short on cash, putting him in an amazing mood for, hopefully, the whole day. He stepped onto the sidewalk with a lovely hum, his day going right already. Jungkook stopped his joyful step to take a moment to gaze around his wonderful neighbourhood, fully grateful for a good life.

His right arm started to itch slightly, and absentmindedly, he brought his left arm up to scratch it. His eyes widened as he began to process was it meant. Looking down at his timer, Jungkook saw his usual 68 years... and 14 seconds.

Jungkook's carefree, easy wander ceased, and panic filled his mind. His senses began to heighten as his eyes darted around for what could possibly be threatening his safety and life.

His ears started to pick up what could only be screams of the people around him. Looking ahead at the road in his path, he saw a young man in the middle of the crosswalk, scared out of his mind. A humongous 18-wheeler was headed right in the man's direction.

Jungkook didn't have any time to think of what he would do next before his legs moved, and he found himself heading towards the man.

He understood what was going to happen and accepted it in that moment. Jungkook was going to die here. His arm ached again as one of the clocks disappeared.


Taehyung felt an itch on his arm once again, right before he felt hands shove him harshly forward. He had his eyes shut tight, afraid of his oncoming demise.

After a few seconds of the noise around him still being present, he opened his eyes to find himself on the ground. Alive. His heart sped up in shock at his current situation as he fell to his knees.

"Oh god, thank you!" He whispered, tears increasing, not noticing the crowd beginning to form around him.

Taehyung pointed his head down at his forearm to discover that only the first clock with 73 years was there. His tears came to a slow run, grateful that he was able to live another day. It soon hit him that he was not the one responsible for his survival.

Someone had saved his life. He turned around to look behind him, fully prepared to thank the hero responsible for his well being.

Taehyung's hero laid there on the ground behind him, dark red blood staining the side of the man's shirt. He believed his hero was dead and began to cry again, eyes red, swollen, and puffy. He buried his face in the man's shirt, mixing the latter's blood with his tears and further soaking it.


Jungkook laid on the ground, slightly unconscious. The truck had lightly grazed his side after he pushed the man out of the way.

He had tried to jump out of the way as well, but didn't fully make it, the impact to his body forcing him into part unconsciousness.

Sounds of sobbing and screams forced their way into his ears, pulling him out of his mid-sleep state. He opened his mouth to speak, hearing gasps as he did so. "Am I dead? And why is my shirt wet— ow!"

The pain started to filter into his mind.

Taehyung's jaw dropped almost comically as he saw the man's eyes flutter open and heard his voice. He glanced at his arm to make sure he wasn't hallucinating and let out a big sigh of relief at the '68 years' counting down.

Without thinking, Taehyung ducked down and enveloped him in a great, big hug, ignoring his cries of pain from stimulation to his injury.

"It's okay, mister," Jungkook winced, the pain becoming slightly too intense to handle. "You're okay now."

He tried to push Taehyung off of him, but he was too tired to. He just gave up and continued with moans and groans of agony, increasing his volume in hopes Taehyung would hear him and let go.

"Oh!" He sniffled. "I'm so sorry."

Taehyung helped Jungkook up, sticking his shoulder under the latter's left arm as a sort of brace to assist him. As they both stood up, cheers and clapping engulfed the atmosphere around them, the crowd relieved and excited that they both survived the oncoming accident.

Taehyung laughed through newfound tears, softly thanking the man for saving him.

"Thank you so much, I'll never be able to repay you. Oh man, I'm so sorry."

"Wow, you sure do cry and apologise a lot."

Taehyung smacked Jungkook's shoulder.

"Ow, okay, sorry! Jeez, if you really want to pay me back, you could take me to the hospital before I bleed out— and make sure to pay attention to your surroundings this time." Jungkook looked down at his slowly bruising arm that was just slapped. "You have way too much strength for someone your size."

"What do you mean 'my size'? I'm about an inch taller than you."

Jungkook began to laugh, prompting the older to join in, both of their carefree attitudes returning like the both of them almost didn't just perish.

Yes, it indeed was a lovely day.

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