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The one where Taehyung needs to go to horny jail

Taehyung never thought he'd be locked in the public bathroom of BigHit mall with a raging erection, but here he was. Trying to break down the stall he was in, was his best friend, Jimin, demanding an explanation for why Taehyung had locked himself in there.

Let's take it back a bit for an explanation. About 30 minutes before.

Taehyung and Jimin had been walking, more like dragging themselves, through the food court after a 5-hour shopping spree, when Taehyung saw him. The perfect guy.

He worked at the only Smoothie King in the whole mall, and he was absolutely gorgeous. With dirty blond hair in a cute messy style, dark, delicious, chocolate brown, doe eyes, light pink, plump lips, and a perfect tan skin tone, the said man in fact matched the description of 'the perfect guy'.

Jimin had noticed that Taehyung wasn't at his side anymore and stopped walking. Turning around, he had tiredly muttered, "Hey, TaeTae, why'd you stop walking?" He had studied his brunet best friend for a couple moments before tapping Taehyung's shoulder. "Tae?"

Taehyung had tore his gaze away from the hot guy at the Smoothie King so fast, Jimin was sure he had gotten whiplash.

"Uh what," Taehyung had stated, completely out of it. Jimin had given him a curious look before turning back around.

"Let's go get our food."

"Oh right!"

With that, they had continued their walk down the food court in a comfortable silence.

The cute employee stuck in Taehyung's mind the whole way to the restaurant Jimin had picked, and Taehyung didn't mind. Well, he hadn't been bothered by it until he discovered a little problem in his 'southern regions'. He had gotten a hard-on from thinking about the guy at the Smoothie King.

Before Jimin could notice Taehyung's little friend saying hi, Taehyung had jolted up out of his seat and ran straight to the restroom. Once there, he had quickly locked the door and looked down, ignoring the fact that Jimin had ran after him and was trying to demolish the locked door for an explanation. The cute smoothie guy was still in his mind.

After a few long intakes of air, Taehyung finally spoke up.

"Hey, Chim, I'm fine," he tried to keep his voice even, "I just needed to use the bathroom... really badly?" He hadn't meant for his last sentence to come out as a question. He was hoping with all his might that Jimin bought it so he would leave.

It seemed that luck was on his side, as Jimin did believe his blatant lie.

"Ok, Tae. Come out when you're done. I'll order your food for you."

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief as Jimin exited the bathroom. He looked down at the large bulge in his pants for a second before pulling down the piece of clothing.

He took his cock in his hands, hissing at the sensation. His mind filled with very... inappropriate thoughts of the cute boy at Smoothie King. He decided to name the stranger Coco.

As Taehyung stroked himself, he imagined that it was Coco's hand stroking him, rubbing his thumb over the tip. Taehyung groaned but quickly put a hand over his mouth, for another person walked into the bathroom.

The mystery person who walked in ran into the stall right next to Taehyung. The guy seemed to be in the same situation as Taehyung seeing as a few seconds after zipping sounds were heard, moans filled the air.

Taehyung seemed comfortable with the fact that the man next to him was in the same situation, so he allowed his own moans to fill the air as well.

Their moans went in unison and sped up at the same time, the two seeming turned on by the sound of each other.

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