Love Potion

274 3 13

The one where Taehyung destroys Yoongi's plans

Background information on their magic:

Seokjin: Healing. He can heal anything/anyone physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

Yoongi: Omnipotence. He can do anything with the limitation of knowledge. He doesn't know everything for plot purposes.

Hoseok: Time. He can freeze time, go to the past or future, slow down time, or speed up time.

Namjoon: Technomagic. He can combine magic and technology in various ways.

Jimin: Elemental magic. He's basically the Avatar.

Taehyung: Creation. He can create anything and everything except for life.

Jungkook: Enhancement. He can enhance anything physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. He cannot use it on himself.


Yoongi was out shopping for groceries when his eyes caught a hot pink, glowing vial of thick liquid. It piqued his interest.

Swiftly picking it up, he scanned over the vial with his eyes. The information slowly filling his mind told him that it was a love potion.

'This could come in handy,' he thought. Purchasing the potion and the groceries, he teleported home, a new idea formulating in his head.

After putting away the groceries he originally went for, he called for the presence of all the boys of BTS, all except for Taehyung and Jungkook. Even if the two were to be part of the meeting, they couldn't. They were visiting their families for two weeks.

As the boys filled the room the meeting was being held, the air was charged up with more questions. As soon as everyone had arrived, Yoongi cleared his throat to gain their attention.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I called you here." This earned him a few eye rolls. He swiftly pulled out the love potion he had bought early that day to show them all.

"This," he pointed to the vial, "is a love potion, and I have a great idea for it. Remember that big prank Taehyung and Jungkook played on us last week?"

Everyone glanced up at the ceiling as if they were having a deep flashback and simultaneously groaned.

"How could we forget? I'm still finding feathers in my hair," Jimin lamented.

"Don't you just wish you could go back in time and prevent yourself from getting into the prank like me?" Hoseok inquired with a smirk.

"Shut up," Seokjin groaned.

With a small chuckle, Yoongi continued, "I thought this could be our way of getting back at them. We could put the potion in a drink of Taehyung's and make him fall in love with Jungkook. The potion is said to make the victim fall madly in love with the target, and I've already charmed the target to be Kookie. It would annoy both of them and would be hilarious for us to watch."

"Wait, Yoongi–" Namjoon started, but Yoongi cut him off, already knowing what he would say. Mind reading.

"I could just make them fall in love, but what's the fun in that?"

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