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The one where Jungkook is Superman

Taehyung knew that letting Jungkook embrace his powers to the world and try to help it as a superhero would bring some unforeseen dangers. He was prepared to take that risk. What he wasn't prepared for was Jungkook getting captured.

"What the fuck do you mean he's gone?!"

Taehyung was busy yelling at his team, the team in charge of helping Jungkook out with his superhero stuff.

"Like we said," Jimin started, "His heat signature disappeared from our scanners and his comm went out about 2 hours ago. We can't seem to relocate him."

"Well try harder!"

Seokjin walked up behind Taehyung and put a calming hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Please calm down Taehyung. Yelling won't help us find him. You need to clear your head."

Taehyung was about to start yelling again until he looked into Seokjin's pleading eyes. His brother always had this effect on him. Taking a deep breath, he ran a sweaty hand through his shiny black hair.

"Yeah... yeah, you're right, I–I'm sorry, I just–"

He shouldn't have gone out when he did. He knew Jungkook was dead set on this mission and would do it with or without Taehyung. If he was there, maybe this wouldn't have happened. If he had stayed—

A beeping alarm suddenly ripped through the chilling atmosphere of the room. Namjoon ran in looking frantic and shocked. Seokjin quickly let go of Taehyung's shaking shoulder to ask what was happening and if Namjoon was okay.

Namjoon's heavy breathing almost made Taehyung unable to understand him when he began to explain.

"It's– Jungkook! We found him, but..."

Taehyung couldn't wait. "But what?!"

"He's rampaging through the downtown area of the city with no aim or anything. Just sightless destruction. He appears to be mind controlled by something."

Taehyung cursed under his breath, heading towards the door, shotgun in hand.

"What, Taehyung where are you going?"

"We have to try and stop him!"

"With a shotgun? He's indestructible."

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I'm well aware. But we have to try at least."

By this point, the whole team— Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi— had gathered around Taehyung. They all nodded, having seem to have reached the same conclusion as Taehyung.

Yoongi walked up to him, handing him a glowing bullet.

"I engineered this in the rare case that this would happen. It will take him down in an instant."

Taehyung widened his eyes at what would be powerful enough to kill the Jeon Jungkook. He was also surprised that Yoongi would make this without telling him.

Yoongi, having seemed to have predicted his thoughts started, "Sorry, for not telling you. We needed a secret weapon, just in case of this, without Jungkook knowing, but you would tell him right away."

Taehyung stared at Yoongi for a second more before more explosions rang out from outside. He whipped whipping his head towards the surveillance camera showing outside.

"Jungkook's here," Hoseok yelled, running to type some things into the computer. He pulled up a view of the front of the building, and there Jungkook was. He was hovering a few feet off the ground, eyes heating up, a sign of his heat vision about to go off.

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