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The one where Jungkook is a stupid dickhead

"I swear I'm not a homophobe or anything horrible like that, I just... I don't like seeing him with other dudes.

I have this roommate, his name is Taehyung, and we started living together about 2 months ago. I signed up for a dorm and the school assigned me to live with him.

My first impression of him was that he was a super nice guy. That impression still hasn't changed.

He would always wake up early to make us breakfast and always make sure the dorm is clean. He would also help me out with my assignment and is lowkey the reason I'm passing my classes. We became friends instantly.

A few weeks passed before it happened for the first time one Friday. He brought home a man. When they stumbled in (they were both half drunk), he froze when he saw me on the couch doing some homework. He looked at me awkwardly and took the guy to his room.

I was confused to say the least. I didn't think much of it and wouldn't have if I didn't hear loud moans and other sounds from the room. It didn't disgust me at that time, no, it was just a guy doing what he wanted.

Not my problem.

Well, it became frequent after that. It was like he saw me be... unbothered by the fact that he was gay and just continued to bring home different men.

Friday after Friday, party after party, he'd come home drunkly making out with some guy, some times not even making it to his room.

I began to just leave the room and allow him to do his thing. I slowly became disgusted with the behaviour, the thought of what exactly he was doing with those men keeping me up at night.

I didn't want to deal with it anymore so I had a talk with him.

'Are you gay?' I had asked him like an idiot.

'No,' he replied sarcastically, 'I just bring people here to play games.'

I don't know why, but it got me angry. I yelled at him for making me uncomfortable, bringing his... disgusting habits home and pushing it in my face. That I wouldn't talk it anymore and would switch roommates if it happened again.

He got mad too and yelled back. He said he didn't want to see me then and went out somewhere. I didn't care where so I didn't ask. He didn't come back that night.

The next morning, he walked through the door shit-faced drunk and stumbled around everywhere. He had bags under his eyes and tears streaks staining his face. Any anger I had quickly dissipated as the will to take care of my friend pushed me to help him.

He caught a fever and ended up staying home for almost a week. I stayed with him too to make sure he was okay, since he didn't want to go to the hospital. We did some bonding and I wasn't angry anymore. In fact I was the happiest I had ever been for as long as I could remember. He didn't seem angry anymore either, kind of like he was enjoying himself.

When he got better, it was a while before he went out partying again. We did some things when we were both free, like bowling, or eating at restaurants or just watching movies at home. I thought he had stopped with the wild persona, that it would be over and I wouldn't have to deal with any of that again, but...

It happened again. He brought home another man and I couldn't stand it. So I lashed out. I yelled at him and the man and called them names. Hurtful names. I didn't mean it, I swear. He's one of my best friends I wouldn't hurt him on purpose.

They both left, the man leaving first looking deflated and angry or something I don't know. I wouldn't care much for someone I don't even know.

Taehyung, on the other hand, he looked sad. But not the usual sad. He seemed depressed. Fat tears came from his eyes and that was the first time I had ever seen him cry. I reached out to say something, but he shoved me and walked out, muttering something about not wanting to dirty me.

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