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The one where Taehyung is an impulsive demon

Jeon Jungkook is a nice, normal, straight guy. He loves his girlfriend, his friends, his family. He's a real athletic and academic kid who does his best to make everyone happy. You could say that he's a perfect example of the ideal 19 year old.

Well, that was all before he 'met' Kim Taehyung. A demon in disguise of a human, sent to lure innocent beings down to the depths of hell.

Taehyung had had his eyes set on Jungkook for a while, feeling their connection from the day the latter was born. As the years progressed, so did Taehyung's infatuation with Jungkook.

Deciding that he had waited long enough, Taehyung decided to strike.

As Jungkook was finishing up an all nighter on his latest assignment, about to go to bed, someone knocked on his door. With a slight groan, Jungkook tiredly stood up and stalked to the locked door.

"Who is it," he called, hoping it was a person he did not know so he could finally sleep.

"Pizza," a smooth, deep voice answered back.

That confused Jungkook. He didn't order any pizza.

Swiftly unlocked and opening the door, he peered up at the most handsome face he had ever seen. Smooth, tan skin with little to no blemishes, a cute little scar on the bottom of his right cheek, a tiny mole on his nose and under his eye, full, plump, red lips, a round– was Jungkook staring?

Shaking himself out of his little trance, he forced himself to speak.

"I didn't order any pizza?"

"I know," came the reply with a smirk.

The mystery man used his, surprisingly, large hands to push Jungkook back onto his bed, the door cryptically closing and locking behind them. Climbing on top of Jungkook, the man whispered a few words into his ear, quickly rendering Jungkook unable to move.

Saying Jungkook was freaked out was an understatement. All he could do was blink.

The mystery man dipped his head in closer to Jungkook and attached their lips.

Jungkook was screaming 'no' on the inside, but nothing but furious blinking was occurring on the outside. But, if Jungkook were being honest, the man kissed great.

His plump lips were the softest thing Jungkook had ever felt, and they moved in the most calming motion. Jungkook's mind slowly became calmer the longer the man kissed him, and he felt himself fall into a deep state of sleep.

The next morning, Jungkook woke up extremely relaxed. Almost to the point that he didn't even want to move. He sat up and performed his daily morning routine, completely unaware of what happened the previous night.

Walking over to his desk to pick up his bag before leaving for breakfast, images of the night before flashed through his head. He felt a quick panic takeover at remembering the mysterious man that, basically, assaulted him last night.

Shaking away the memory as being just a vivid nightmare, he carried out the rest of his day.

Descending down the halls to the cafeteria, he sees his best friends, Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok, and Kim Namjoon, and his girlfriend, Lee Jieun.

With a wave to his friends, he goes to lightly peck his girlfriend's cheek. Right before he makes contact, he feels a painful burn consume his lips, and jerks back.

Jieun stares at him questioningly, shakes her head slightly, then walks over to her group of friends.

"So," Jimin starts, "what was that about?"

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