Love? Hate?

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The one where Taehyung is a clueless idiot

Jeon Jungkook is pretty sure he loves his best friend, Kim Taehyung. At least, that's what Park Jimin describes the emotion as. The warm gooey feeling he gets in his chest when Taehyung walks into the room. The way his face gets hotter, and his heart beats faster when Taehyung hugs him. The way his stomach fills with butterflies everytime Taehyung falls asleep on him and curls up. Maybe it is love.

Taehyung hates his band mate, Jungkook. At least, that's what Choi Minho describes his emotions as. The burning hot feeling in his chest when Jungkook walks into the room. The way his cheeks heat up when Jungkook gets closer. The way his heart beats faster when Jungkook cuddles up to him. Or could Minho be feeding him lies?

"Hey, Tae-hyung. What're you doing?" Jungkook asks, clueless of the little scowl Taehyung gives him.

"Nothing that concerns you, Jungkook." Taehyung replies with added hatred in his tone. He can't help it anymore. Everytime he talks to Minho about the way he feels towards Jungkook, Minho always tells him that it's hate. He ended up believing Minho, and subconsciously started 'hating' Jungkook.

"Oh. Okay then," Jungkook replies a little saddened. Taehyung ignores the slight pang in his chest from the younger boy's frown.

On the couch behind the two of them, Jimin watches. He's been watching them for a while now. He got curious about how Taehyung's attitude towards Jungkook changed, and decided to watch how it goes. He's also been filling the other members in on what's happening. He's starting to feel bad for Jungkook, tolerating how hurt he feels because of his love for Taehyung.

Jimin mutters under his breath quietly, so the two boys can't hear him, "It's time to do something about this."

He gets up off the comfy couch he previously resided on to go meet up with the others. On his way to Jin's room, he texts everyone to meet him there— well, everyone but Taehyung and Jungkook.

"You better have a good reason for disturbing my sleep," he hears Yoongi growl.

"Trust me, hyung," he replies, "it's worth it."

"Let me guess," Namjoon starts, "Taehyung's treatment to Jungkook is getting worse?" Jimin answers with a nod, and Hoseok jumps up with a shout.

"How could this happen! I thought they were best friends!"

Jimin frowns, "Me too, Hobi-hyung. I don't know how it started, but we need to put a stop to it." Jimin looks around at all of them, "Any ideas?"

The room goes silent for a few minutes, the air filled with heavy thought, until Jin breaks it.

"Maybe we could lock them up in a room for sometime to see if they could resolve this on their own?"

The members look at each other with questioning looks, then turn back to Jin. Jimin is the first to speak up, "That actually sounds like a good idea?" He ends up making his statement sound like a question.

Jin puts on a surprised face when the others agree with Jimin.

"You guys know I was actually joking, right?"

"Wait, really?" Yoongi inquires.

"Yeah, heh."

"Well, it's a good idea. We're doing it."

No one wants to disagree with Yoongi, so they all decide to do Jin's plan.

A few days later, after planning the whole thing, they are ready to put it into action. Hobi, as inconspicuously as he can, walks up to Tae to ask for some help on 'something'.

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