Operation Get Taehyung and Jungkook into each other's pants

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The one where Taehyung gets jealous

Park Jimin and Min Yoongi, for 2 years, have been the most popular couple in the university. Deeply in love with each other and unable to part for anything other than classes (they even changed their rooming so they could be together), the couple was the very definition of sickly sweet. Jimin spent about 90% of his day in Yoongi's lap, and Yoongi spent most of his time, as well, complimenting Jimin and swatting away other boys who wanted to flirt with his beloved.

No one really thought they would ever break up, which is why it was such a surprise when they did. One day, everything was perfect as always, and the next, destruction rained down on the school. Jimin and Yoongi were silently angry at each other, and when they did speak, it was just incoherent yelling. No one knew why they broke up, or who even initiated it. All they knew is that suddenly, their favourite couple was gone.

One of the major changes that occurred as a result of said break up was Jimin's new found infatuation with Jeon Jungkook. Every second he had in the presence of the latter was spent flirting with him. Everyone was surprised that Jimin had rebounded that quickly. Yoongi just forgot about it and moved on. Pretty soon, it was like their relationship didn't even happen.

After a week, all this drama seemed to pass, and no one cared anymore about the YoonMin couple, Jimin's new attitude towards Jungkook, or the fact that Yoongi didn't care.

Well, no one except for Kim Taehyung, Jimin's best friend since kindergarten. They'd gone through everything together, supported each other through thick and thin, and told each other everything. Taehyung was angry, has been since the breakup, that Jimin wouldn't tell him why or how him and Yoongi broke up. He was also angry that of all the people Jimin could rebound to, he chose Taehyung's long time crush, Jungkook.

Since they first met Jungkook during their sophomore year of high school, he's been all Taehyung could talk to Jimin about. Taehyung tolerated Jimin's talk of Yoongi only if he could talk to Jimin about Taehyung. That was their thing. Now, it seemed like all Jimin could do was talk about Jungkook while Taehyung just stayed quiet and listened.

"Oh my god, his hair is so soft, and his eyes, they are gorgeously brown, he's so cute, ah–"

"Hey, Jimin, can you please shut up?" Taehyung lamented, "I'm trying to eat here."

Jimin pulled on the slightest smirk that Taehyung couldn't see and whined, "But he's just so beautiful, I have to share this with someone!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and continued to eat, trying his best to tune out the sounds of Jimin droning on about Jungkook.

"Oh, there he is now," Jimin said, overly excited.

"Hey, cutie!"

Jungkook blushed at this and looked away. Not being able to see, he tripped over a bag on the ground and spilled his food tray all over Taehyung.

"Oh come on! Why does the universe hate me?!"

Jungkook quickly got up and grabbed some napkins from the middle of the table and rushed to attempt to clean up the mess. He only assisted in smudging the stain more.

"Just," Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hands to get them to stop, a slight blush arising from the contact, "I'll do it."

He tiredly stood up from where he was sitting previously as walked to the bathroom with haste.

As soon as Taehyung was out of sight, Jimin dropped his smitten look and told Jungkook to follow Taehyung and help him.

"Oh, okay," Jungkook stuttered out before sprinting after Taehyung into the bathroom.

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