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The one where Taehyung can't sleep

Taehyung had awoken at the unholy hour of 3 am and couldn't seem to fall asleep after 5 solid minutes of staring at the ceiling. He let out an exhausted sigh, got up, and tiredly stalked out the door.

Walking himself down the stairs and to the kitchen for a glass of water, he thought of what could possibly wake him up at this time. Coming up with nothing, he emptied his glass of water and started his ascent back to his room.

Climbing back into bed, he tried to fall asleep again, but to no avail. He noticed that the yellow, baby chick-shaped pillow he usually hugs before bed, to allow a good night's rest, was nowhere to be found. 'Ah, that's why,' he thought, a little bit relieved to have found the problem. He laid in bed for a couple seconds before realisation hit him— he can't sleep without something to hold.

With a loud groan, he got up— again, and walked next door to the maknae's room. He simply barged into the room, with no knock, and pulled open Jungkook's covers.

Taehyung saw Jungkook's eyes open as the latter groggily asked, "Taehyungie-hyung, what're you doing here? It's," he looked over at his clock, "3:15 am."

With a roll of his eyes, Taehyung replied, "Yes, I am well aware of the time. I'm here to ask if I could sleep with you for tonight. My pillow's gone."

Jungkook understood Taehyung's situation and quickly rolled over. Without another word, Taehyung got into the bed, pulled the covers back up, wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, and tried falling asleep AGAIN. Within minutes, the two had fallen asleep.

The next morning, Taehyung was pulled out of his sleep by some loud cooing and laughter. Opening his eyes and waiting for his vision to adjust to the new light, he turned his neck and peered at the men in front of him.

Making eye contact with Jimin, he asked, "Chim? What're you doing here? What are all of you doing here?" He looked at each and everyone one of them one by one, then he shook his head.

Taehyung thought it was way too early to be confused. Without waiting for an answer, he turned back around and nuzzled his head into Jungkook's neck, feeling the younger man's Adam's Apple move— wait, why was Jungkook facing him? They fell asleep with Jungkook facing away from Taehyung and Taehyung facing his back.

Taehyung's eyes shot open as he looked at their position. Their legs were intertwined, Taehyung's stomach was pressed to Jungkook's pelvis, their chests were two inches away from the other, Jungkook was holding Taehyung, Taehyung was hugging Jungkook, and of course, Taehyung's head was touching Jungkook's throat.

"Oh my—" Taehyung started then froze up when Jungkook moved a little in his sleep. Fully understanding the situation, he shook Jungkook, trying his hardest to wake up the sleeping man.

"Wha? Honey, go back to sleep," Jungkook muttered, drunken with sleep.

Taehyung could hear 4 boys gasp— Yoongi wasn't amused— as his cheeks heated up.

"No, Jungkook, it's me, wake up," Taehyung tried, voice wavering from embarrassment.

As Taehyung's did earlier, Jungkook's eyes flew open. He was now fully awake as he became aware of what he said.

"No wait, I didn't mean that I— um," he attempted an explanation, cheeks heating up in the same manner as Taehyung's.

He untwined their legs and let go of Taehyung. Taehyung, now noticing he was still hugging Jungkook, let him go as well. Jungkook looked around at the other boys and backed up a bit. They were laying together on only one half of the bed, so Jungkook started to roll off— but not before grabbing Taehyung's arm. They both fell off the bed, Taehyung landing on Jungkook with a big 'oof' and wincing, eyes closed.

Daring to open his eyelids, he made eye contact with Jungkook. They held each other's gaze for a solid minute before Hoseok coughed, Jimin squealed, Seokjin cooed, Namjoon laughed, and Yoongi left the room for his morning coffee because "it's too early for this".

Taehyung quickly jumped up off Jungkook and ran out the door before anyone could question him. Jungkook, on the other hand, stayed frozen on the ground, staring straight up at the ceiling.

"Is he dead?" Jimin asked.

"Well, we know he's dead-icated to staying on the ground." Seokjin replied with no hesitation.

"Jin-hyung shut up." Hoseok called after, already 110% done.

Hoseok walked out of the room first, muttering something about "Jin's dad jokes suck, oh my lord". Seokjin went after him, his windshield wiper at maximum wiping. Namjoon followed after him to make sure that Hoseok doesn't 'mistakenly' punch Seokjin in the face. Saturday was never Hoseok's day.

Jimin slowly wandered over to Jungkook to ask if the boy was okay, but stopped when he saw a wide smile grace the youngest's face.

Instead, Jimin opted for a more brisk approach. After all, everyone needed answers.

"Hey, Jungkookie, what're you still doing down there?"

Jungkook just looked over at him, a devious glint in his eye.

"Tae's dick is big."

And with that, Jungkook stood up and walked out of the room, leaving a shocked Jimin in his wake.


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