Chapter 1

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Hello! This a new story I am writing called 'Against The Odds'.

This is going to be a little bit of a challenge because there is going to be m-preg and it is my first time writing it so I'm a 100% certain I will fuck up along the way and make mistakes when I write it so please feel free to correct me in the comments but please be nice T_T.

One thing I want to make clear is that in this AU, male pregnancy is normal but a rare occurrence because I'm too lazy to write a complicated explanation behind it so there's that.

Secondly, this story was requested by one of my followers and the basic plot was created by her so thank you anangelslove! This wouldn't exist without you. ^_^

And finally, if m-preg makes you uncomfortable and you don't like reading it, this story won't be your cup of tea. There will be m-preg.

Now with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the story.


A shuddering breath released from his lips. Ceruleans eyes wide and he stared at the delicate little object in his hands. He stared down at the baby-pink stick but what his eyes were witnessing, his brain couldn't register. Tan fingers trembled violently and plump, petal-pink lips quivered, tears threatening to fall.

'Oh god...' An astonished whisper echoed through the white, tiled room. The sound of hard plastic hitting against the ceramic followed.

'Oh god...' He repeated, louder than before as the man grabbed the edge of the marble sink counter with a vice grip. It was as if his legs couldn't work anymore. He couldn't comprehend his surroundings. Nothing could sink into his brain.

Only the image of the two parallel pink lines floated through his mind, yet to be cemented. He finally had his answer.

The unusual fatigue. The constant morning sickness. Lack of appetite and mild cramping in his lower stomach.

Shakily, Naruto sat down on the toilet lid. His head dropped and his eyes met with the innocent white and pink stick. With that, tears burst from his eyes as a sob ripped from his lips. His tan hands moved to cry into his palms, muffling the noise.

'O-oh my g-g-od... W-what am I-I-I going t-to d-d-do?!" Naruto sobbed frantically, breathing erratically as he began to spiral into absolute panic. Squeezing his eyes, he tried to calm down, using some of the coping mechanisms his partner had taught him. Breathing slowly and counting, the blond man managed to bring himself back down, his cries finally subsiding.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto bent down to pick up the pregnancy test and stare at the pink lines. His hand unknowingly gravitated towards his stomach and softly laid against the cotton fabric.

"I'm pregnant..." Naruto whispered in a shell-shocked tone. The idea of having a child inside him was still so... startling.

"I'm having Sasuke's child." A wide smile began to form on Naruto's face before it quickly fell.

"Sasuke! How am I goi-"

"Naruto I'm home!"

Naruto's eyes went wide.

"Fuck." He whispered loudly. He scurried around in the bathroom, trying to find a place to hide his pregnancy test as Sasuke't footsteps kept getting louder and louder. The blond finally shoved it into front pocket of his baggy jeans before walking out of the bathroom.

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