Chapter 13

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It had been a couple of weeks later since Naruto's last appointment and since then, everything around his life just seemed to be going downhill - especially his relationship with Sasuke. It started off small at first, incidents that the blond didn't really pay much mind to and blew it off as nothing.  His lover coming home later than usual, late replies and missed calls, Naruto came to the conclusion that he was extremely busy at work (which Sasuke was but never told the blond). Time passed by and nothing seemed to change, in fact everything began to escalate. The late nights became all nighters, unread messages and more missed calls and it began to strain their relationship - atleast in Naruto's perspective. Mornings with Sasuke weren't as bright as they used to be. It was silent, void of the playful bantering, affectionate hugs and morning kisses. Naruto couldn't even remember the last time he and Sasuke actually had a proper conversation.

He couldn't remember the last time Sasuke had said 'I love you'

Sasuke's whole demeanour changed as well. The raven was becoming more distant and terse. Physically and emotionally. Even though the blond tried to remedy the situation - cuddle up to Sasuke on the rare occasions he came home, kiss him whenever he got the chance and even rope him with sex  but it didn't work. The raven would just dismiss it, saying he was tired or busy and hole himself up in his office, only to return hours later.

All of it was starting to completely shatter Naruto's mental and emotional state. The dark thoughts that he had believed he'd gotten over came back with a vengeance. The insecurity, doubt and self-hate now lingered in the back of his mind, ready to pounce at any occasion.

'He's getting tired of you.'

'He's found someone else.'

'He doesn't love you anymore.'

'He doesn't want to be a father.'

Naruto choked on his breath at that last thought, his cerulean eyes burning with unshed tears as he roamed the corridors of his university, his oversized threadbare sweater concealing his bump. His fingers picked at the loose threads of his sleeves - a coping mechanism to ignore the ravaging thoughts in his brain.

'No I can't think like that. Sasuke loves me, loves our baby. He was so happy when I told him I was pregnant. It was the happiest I had ever seen him so it can't be!'

The whiskered man tried to reason, pushing away the self-deprecating thoughts but it didn't help to stop his state of mind from dropping further. Not only was his morning a complete mess with back pains, chest pains and cramps, Sasuke had disappeared off to work without even a single word and now...

He was finally going to resign temporarily and take that university gap year - reluctantly.

Naruto stood in front of the dean's office, frozen still as he stared at the engraved gold head-plate that was on the ornate wooden door.

Sir Sarutobi Hiruzen

The realisation of his decision finally sunk in. He was going to end his dream of being a teacher.

"I'm not going to end it dammit. It's just on hold." Naruto murmured under his breath.

'But for how long though? The hardest part has still not yet begun. What's going to happen once the baby is born? Everything is not going to automatically go back to normal. Hell if anything, everything is going to change once the baby arrives.' The rational side of his brain piped up. The blond sighed. No matter how many times he weighed the pros and cons of his decision, he was still unsure.

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