Chapter 27

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The afternoon sunlight filtered through the leaves above, casting a multitude of shadows across the couple's faces as they walked through the forest path. Naruto turned his head to stare at his partner, admiring his stoic beauty. A beam of light radiated across Sasuke's flawless, porcelain skin making it shine in all its glory. His ebony hair glowed with a slight blue tint. Every dip and curve of his collarbones and jugular muscles were visible. He looked like an aristocrat, a heavenly body that was too beautiful to exist. 

Naruto's whiskered cheeks heated up with a blush and he tore his eyes away, looking down at his feet, well where his feet would have been if not for his pregnant belly that was blocking the view.  He nibbled his plump lip in nervousness. He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, unable to start the conversation.

'How do I even start talking about this? Where do I begin? Like, yo teme, why was that pink-haired bitch sucking your face off during office hours? That's just dumb.' Naruto internally gagged at the visual. His hand that was intertwined with Sasuke's, clenched without his notice. 

Sasuke turned his gaze towards Naruto, eyebrows furrowing in concern. He peeked down at their linked hands, observing the white knuckles and tightened grip. He rubbed the back of Naruto's hand with his thumb in an attempt to soothe his love's anxieties and anger. 

"Naruto?" He asked in a gentle voice. The blond looked up, his shimmering sapphires revealing his feelings. The raven adored his eyes; it was the first thing he noticed about the blond when they first met. It was dazzling, more beautiful than any other blue. The oceans couldn't even compare. More than it's hue, Sasuke loved how Naruto's eyes reflected every emotion, every feeling he felt. They were like the windows to his soul. They would sparkle in happiness, dim in sadness, blaze in anger and darken with desire. 

It was just stunning.

Naruto noticed the concern showing on Sasuke's face, and he smiled reassuringly. "It's nothing. I was thinking about... you know... that day?" His voice wavered as he spoke, his hesitation to talk about Sakura and what happened amplified every with second that passed. Sasuke sighed. He swiped away his bangs from his face - a reflex of his whenever he was nervous. The whole incident surrounding his bitch of a secretary was uncomfortable to recount. Thinking about it just made his skin crawl. Flashbacks of that disgusting kiss and vine-like arms, trapping him to the table kept him awake at night. He didn't want to admit it, but it was traumatising to him. The feeling of entrapment and suffocation - like he couldn't escape from her claws was at the most, terrifying. 

"I guess I'll start from the beginning?" Sasuke asked rhetorically. He bit the inside of his cheek as Naruto nodded stiffly. As much as he wanted to forget about this and move on, they couldn't entirely move on from this unless they talked. Sasuke stopped, gently tugging his boyfriend to the side of the pathway, away from the sunlight and towards the shade. Naruto let himself get dragged, giggling when Sasuke wrapped his arms around him. He felt Sasuke's cheek, nuzzling against his hair and he smiled, hugging Sasuke a little tighter. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I never liked her... not from the start, and I despise her now," Sasuke whispered in distaste. Naruto burst into chuckles, poking at Sasuke's ribs teasingly. 

"Yeah, it does make me feel better." The blond grinned, making Sasuke smile in return. 

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