Chapter 22

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Itachi couldn't sit by and watch his brother be miserable - over something as trivial as a misunderstanding. It wasn't Sasuke fault in the least, it was that scheming woman who couldn't take no for an answer.

'It's partly my fault as well. If I didn't hire her, Sasuke wouldn't be in the predicament.' There was something definitely off with the pinkette, it was clear as day from the way she behaved around his brother; a typical fangirl. One that would take just a glance in Sasuke's direction and claim to be in love but eventually move on. He had never anticipated Sakura to be a persistent one - a scarily persistent one. He should have listened to Sasuke's complaints and hired someone else, moving Sakura to another department but it was too much of a hassle and honestly, he thought Sasuke was complaining for no reason.

A twinge of guilt set in but he brushed it off. What happened had happened, all that mattered now was what to do to help him reconcile with Naruto.

Rubbing his forehead, he pushed away the files, flopping them on his desk. The chair swung away from the table and towards the crystal-clean window walls. He leaned his head against his fist as his scarlet eyes gazed out the window.

'Quite nice weather. It's a shame to be cooped up in this office honestly.' Itachi mused. The chair squeaked as Itachi heaved his body up from the leather seat, allowing his limbs to stretch a little and unwind his muscles. It was tiring, not having Sasuke in the office and it's only been a few days. Most of the cases fell into Itachi's lap as a result, his workload doubled.

"God... get everything together Sasuke and come back to work. I don't know how long I can do this." Itachi chuckled. As irritating as it was, when it came to Sasuke, he would do anything for him. Especially at a time like this.

The torment Sasuke was going through - Itachi couldn't imagine it. He has never had a lover before, a person he could share his life with. Itachi used to scorn at the mere idea of love and romance. To him, it as pathetic and unnecessary - a bunch of people who couldn't love themselves so they employed someone else to do it.

He thought Sasuke would share his same ideals but no... he didn't. It came as a huge surprise to Itachi when his little brother came home one day with Naruto trailing behind him. He remembered the tense atmosphere and the petrified look on Naruto when Sasuke grabbed his hand and announced to him and their parents that he was gay and in love with Naruto - his best friend.


"Mother... Father... There's something I need to tell you."

The table went quiet as Sasuke spoke up. Everyone glanced up from their plates, all except for Naruto stared down at his plate, using his fork to move his food around. His big blue eyes shifted slightly to look at Sasuke while he bit his petal pink lips in nervousness. The raven kept his eyes up, staring determinedly at his family. His pale hand moved under the table and placed itself on Naruto's knee, squeezing it gently in reassurance.

That everything will be okay and even if it didn't, nothing was going to break them apart.

"Yes dear? What is it?" Mikoto's asked sweetly, looking at her youngest son with concern while Fugaku stared unwaveringly with no emotion in his eyes.

And Itachi... He just sat there with curiosity. His eyes shifted between the two boys. He gauged their reactions and tiny actions, trying to come up with the answer himself. He had an inkling, a hunch of what it could be but he disregarded it instantly.

'No. That's ridiculous. Otouto couldn't be that soft to be susceptible to love?'

Sasuke  took a deep breath, gulping the non-existent lump in his throat. He didn't want to admit it but... he was petrified deep down. He wanted to be  accepted by his family. He didn't want to hide anymore. He loved Naruto and the fantasy of being able to walk down the hallways of school with his hand in his, show to everyone that the beautiful blond was his... he wanted that. The secret touches and subtle looks weren't enough. The thought of hiding who he is didn't settle with him. He wanted to be free, break himself from the chains that society tied him with and be who he is.

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