Chapter 8

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"You seem to be in a hurry." Itachi smirked from his position near the doorway. Sasuke glanced up and glared lightly at that infuriating smirk. He packed everything into his briefcase, double checking his case files and merger proposals until he was satisfied. 

"Told Naruto I'm taking him out." Sasuke answered, fixing his attire, adjusting his collar and putting on his blazer. 

Itachi's smirk morphed into a smile as he walked into the office space. "How is Naruto doing by the way? 

Sasuke sighed softly, not really wanting to vent to his big brother about his problems but at this moment, he really needed some guidance, some advice. Biting his lips, the raven sighed again and pushed his bangs out of his face. 

"He's okay I guess. Everything that is happening at the moment is, I suppose quite overwhelming to him and I think it's affecting him... mentally." The raven whispered near the end. Itachi sat at the edge of the desk and listened, concerned but not surprised at what Sasuke was revealing to him. 

"Like everyone says, pregnancy is tough. Physically, mentally and emotionally. It's... It's not  going to be all rainbows and sunshine Sasuke. It's going to be difficult, for both of you. All I can advise is to listen and be there for him because at this stage, he's in a vulnerable position and he needs you the most. Got that?" Itachi walked over to his little brother and gently placed his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it softly in comfort. 

Sasuke nodded, his face showing his gratitude. "Thanks Nii-san. I'm just worried. I hate seeing him so depressed and drained of life... it's just not him." Itachi nodded in complete agreement. 

"I know. Now go to you little love and cheer him up." The older raven grinned, ruffling the ebony locks. Sasuke glared and pushed away the offending hand to adjust his hair. 

"Make sure to wear protec- oh wait, never mind." The older raven teased, chuckling to himself at the death glare Sasuke was sending his way.

"Shut up Itachi." 

From outside the office, the figure of a person quietly moved away.

Naruto pouted as he stared at the mirror before him in his boxers. He kept turning his body around, scrutinising every little change that has happened. The extra fat on his thighs and hips. The pudginess of his waist and the extra chubbiness of his cheeks - which were already chubby to begin with.

His extended stomach didn't help either. 

'Geez... I know it's natural to gain weight in pregnancy but what the fuck... I look like a fucking tele-tubby' 

His tan hands went to pinch at the fat and wiggled it around, his frown growing deeper at the amount of fat he could pinch. His vision started to get blurrier and and blurrier and it dawned on him that he was tearing up... for the 4th time this day. 

"Ahhh! Why am I crying so much?!" Naruto exclaimed, furiously rubbing away his tears. He sniffled softly and calmed down from his minor breakdown. 

"Just... grab something from the closet and wear it. Who gives a fuck honestly..." Naruto whispered to himself and grabbed a pair of thick, black jeans and a pale orange flannel shirt. Staring at the mirror again, he cocked his head to the side. 

"It hides the stomach... kind of." He mused before pulling up his jeans and buttoning it over his hips. 

"Ughhh..." Naruto groaned as he pulled the button to the button hole. Succeeding at that, he looked back at the mirror again and felt the tears flood right back in. 

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