Chapter 3

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It was three in the afternoon when Naruto's classes were finally over and the blond man was relieved. He had no idea how he was going to make it through a full day of classes like he would usually have in the middle of the week. The fatigue would come in waves, each one stronger than the other. Taking naps in between his classes didn't appear very fruitful either. 

'I just want to go home and sleep.' Naruto whined in his head, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He pouted slightly, knowing that he wouldn't be able to do so. University classes were taking a toll on his life from the amount of assignments, studying and exams he had to do. Getting a bachelors to become a teacher is no easy feat with all the varying subject fields he had to study for. 

'Ugh... sometimes I really regret choosing to become a teacher. Why did I anyway?' The blond questioned himself as he grabbed his bag-strap and dragged his feet across the mosaic tiled floors. His decision to become a teacher inadvertently made him think of Iruka and his lips curved up into a small, nostalgic smile as he thought of the brunette man. 

Growing up an orphan was tough. The blond spent a portion of his childhood devoid of the love, nurture and guidance a normal child would have growing up. It was difficult, being thrust into a the world all by himself, knowing nothing while trying to make the best of what he was given. It wasn't long until he met Iruka or fondly known as 'Iruka-sensei' in primary school and he instantly took a liking to the kind, gentle man. Maybe it was the affection he showed him or the patience he had to deal with Naruto's mischief on a daily basis but whatever it was, Iruka became an important part of his life. He stepped in and took over the role of being a parent and guided him through his life; teaching him all that he needed to know, comforting him whenever life didn't go his way and choosing to love him unconditionally. 

'Yeah... now I remember why.' 

Seeing the impact Iruka made on his life and the lives of many other children, he made the decision to follow in Iruka's footsteps and become a teacher himself. To be that kind of mark on a someone's life and inspire many. 

"Ahhh! That reminds me I have to tell the news!" Naruto exclaimed out loud, the previous feelings of fatigue instantly disappearing as he ran down the halls and out of the University. He made his way towards the bus-stop and caught the 24 bus line that went to Konoha High. Naruto settled down on the empty seat far away from any other passenger as he waited for his stop, his mind muddled with different thoughts.

'I wonder how Iruka-sensei going to react. Knowing him, he'll probably faint.' Naruto chuckled to himself and glanced down to his stomach, his smile growing warmer. Placing his hand on his abdomen, he began to speak low and soft to himself. 

"Hi baby... it's your daddy or mommy I suppose since you're in my tummy." Naruto whispered, chuckling to himself. "I'm pretty sure you can't hear me but it doesn't matter." 

The blond continued rambling softly until a jolt from the bus awoke him from his trance-like state. Looking out, he realised it was his stop and got down, making his way to the school. Giving a quick wave to the security guard, he entered the large building, his legs on autopilot as he finally arrived in front of the teacher's lounge. Peering from the frosted glass window panel into the room, Naruto internally rejoiced on seeing the familiar tan man. 

"Iruka-sensei!" Naruto greeted as he entered the room. Said man jumped up in surprise, almost dropping all the stacks of papers he hand in his hands. Looking up, Iruka smiled and placed them on the desk before rushing over to the blond to give him a warm hug. 

"Naruto. Glad to see you. How are you feeling now?" The tan man asked, pulling away. He took a good look at boy in front of him who he considered his son. Cocking his head to the side, he stared at Naruto with an odd look on his face. 

Something looked different... 

Something felt different...

Something was different...

Naruto grinned in amusement at the expression on Iruka's face. He knew Iruka realised something was peculiar. The blond took the man's wrists in his hands and urged him to sit down on the sofa, the grin never leaving his face. 

"I'm doing okay Iruka-sensei. Classes are tough but that really isn't news." Naruto replied, taking a seat beside Iruka who still was staring at him. The blond's grin faded into a serene, shaky smile. He bit his plump lips with his teeth, unable to say what he wanted to.  

'It shouldn't be this hard now dammit! I've told Sasuke and Gaara already!' Naruto berated himself. He felt a light weight on his shoulder and he looked up to see caring, hazel eyes looking back at him with concern. 

"What is it Naruto?" Iruka asked, shuffling closer to him. Naruto gulped as he took a deep breath. It was now or never. Gathering up the courage, the blond finally spoke up. 

"Uhh.. I don't know how to say this but you know I've been pretty sick lately which is strange you know, since it's me. I mean I never get si-"

"Naruto, you're rambling." Iruka chuckled, interrupting Naruto's tirade of words. The blond immediately stopped talking and laughed nervously, ruffling his sunflower locks. 

"Yeah.. sorry. Guess I'm just a little nervous." 

"It's okay. Take your time." Iruka replied warmly, patiently waiting till Naruto was ready to reveal whatever he was going to reveal. 

"Anyway... it turns out I'm... pregnant." Naruto's words became softer and softer as he spoke. Nothing but silence was shared between the two males after Naruto's revelation and it almost made the blond think Iruka hadn't heard him. 

Suddenly he felt arms wrap around him and his body being pulled towards Iruka and immediately he returned the embrace, laughing shakily. 

"Oh my god! Are you sure?! Have you seen a doctor yet?! Oh god, I call Tsunade and set up an appoint-" 

"Iruka-sensei!" Naruto exclaimed, laughing out loud at his mother hen behaviour. "Yes I am sure. No I haven't seen Tsunade yet but Sasuke did call her to let her know I was coming for a check-up." The blond explained, calming the excited man down. Iruka breathed out a sigh of relief before smiling softly at the boy... no the man next to him. 

"God... I just can't believe it. This is really surreal." He whispered looking into those large, sky-blue eyes. His child was growing up, becoming an adult right before his eyes. It felt bittersweet at this moment, the ugly feeling of Naruto being slowly taken away from him as he got more independent by the day. 

"Sasuke already knows I assume?" Iruka asked and he smiled at the way Naruto's eyes lit up at hearing his partner's name. 

The blond nodded. " Yeah. I couldn't hide something like this from him. He's so happy Iruka-sensei. I don't think he has ever smiled that much in his entire life." Naruto laughed, enticing a small chuckle from Iruka. 

"I'm happy he took the news really well. If he didn't..." The dark threat left hung in air. 

Naruto shook his head in amusement, not the least surprised. 

"Thank you for telling me. You know you can always come to me if you need anything okay?" Iruka ruffled the silky blond locks. Naruto nodded. 

"Of course and yes I know. I guess I will have trouble trying to balance both Univeristy and having a baby but I will get through it." The blond stated determinedly. Iruka smiled at the words. 

The men fell into light conversation, the jubilant aura around Naruto never fading. 

'Everything will be fine.' 

Or would it? 


And done! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! ^_^ 

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