Chapter 18

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The huge parking lot was practically deserted when Sasuke entered, albeit there being a few security guards patrolling the area. The lights were still on, illuminating the otherwise eerie place. The raven nodded at guards he passed by, wishing them a goodnight before getting into his matte black Mercedes Benz. He all but flopped into his leather seat, setting his briefcase in the seat next to him and drove off into the night.

Sasuke's mind was still brewing with thoughts, his heart shrouded in guilt even after listening to Itachi's wise words. As much as he didn't like to admit, the stress of work was getting to him and in am attempt to get Orochimaru's case over with, he completely ignored his lover and their baby. Their wellbeing was in the back-burner of his head for weeks.

'God... I can't believe I don't know how far along our baby is. I haven't gone with the dobe to his appointments. I feel like a shitty partner.' Sasuke nibbled his bottom lip in frustration.

He was supposed to be the organised one. The one who could take care of everything concerning his lover and his to be family. He was the one who was supposed to have everything on track and be ready for any thing.

'I know Naruto can take care of himself. He would do anything to keep our baby as healthy and happy as possible but... I'm angry at myself for letting work get in the way. I feel like I am missing out on the journey.' A twinge of sadness hit him at that thought. Naruto with his baby bump was probably Sasuke's favourite sight in the world. Watching the way he would smile down at his stomach and rub the stretched area made his heart jump. It was... magical.

"And I don't want to miss that." Sasuke sighed.

He finally pulled into the garage, relieved to be back home and in a few moments, with his precious boyfriend. He swiftly got his things and hurried into the house. As usual, it was silent and without hesitation, the raven made his way to their bedroom. He stopped by the doorway, his grip loosening its hold on the door handle and slid down limply to his side. A breath of content emitted from his lip and the tenseness of his muscle drained away. Slowly, he crept up to the foot of the bed, onxy eyes focused on the love of his life. Crouching down to the bed level, his pale hand gently placed itself on Naruto's cheek, adoring the feel of the skin to skin contact.

'It's been so long since I have felt this tranquility.' Sasuke mused.

Naruto sniffled and his eyes fluttered open, revealing those glimmering sapphires. He stared drowsily at Sasuke with a disbelieving look on his face. He turned towards the clock and his confusion deepened. It was only 9.30 in the night. Why was Sasuke home so early?

"... Teme? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, his voice husky with sleepiness. Not that the blond wasn't happy that his lover was home... it was unusual. He steadied himself on his elbow, now gazing down to those intense, onxy eyes that he loved.

Sasuke frowned. "Well, that's welcoming. I got off work early." He explained, a little baffled by Naruto's lacklustre response. His thumb traced the thin black lines on Naruto's cheek and his frown lessened, seeing the blond lean into the touch. He bit the inside of his cheek.

'I'm not the only one feeling the effects of this.' He thought, the remorse coming back again in waves. He gazed into his lover's eyes, seeing the loneliness and dejection.

"I'm sorry." Sasuke whispered with sincerity.

Naruto's confusion escalated before his eyes softened in realisation. A shaky breath puffed out of his plump lips. He struggled to get up into a sitting position but after much difficulty, he did. Sasuke moved back slightly as Naruto set his feet onto the carpet.

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