Chapter 5

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Sasuke sighed in relief, entering the hallway of their home, the familiar atmosphere of 'homely comfort' enveloping him. He felt all the tension on his shoulder melt away as he placed his black leather shoes to a side. 

'9.35... Naruto's usually awake at this time.' Sasuke mused, finding it odd that the house seemed to be silent. Generally he would be hearing the clanging of pots and pans or Naruto's voice singing coming from the kitchen.  

But tonight... it was just silence that greeted him. 

Sasuke's lips morphed into a frown as he walked through the hallways. Passing by the living room he noticed the television wasn't on either. Wanting to see his boyfriend, he hurriedly sprinted up the stair and entered their bedroom. Upon entering, a surge of warmth built up in his chest at the sight he was met with.

Naruto was on his back, head lolled to the side with his hand on the flat plane of his stomach. Snowy, white blankets surrounded him, tangling over and under his legs. The lamp beside him shone dimly, casting a faint golden glow across the room. On closer inspection, files and open books lay scattered across the bed, pens and open highlighters strewed on the pages. 

'The dobe was probably trying to get some work done.' Sasuke speculated, a fond smile on his face as cleared away the bed while trying not to mess up any of Naruto's work. Placing them on Naruto's desk, the raven changed from his work attire. Having managed to finish all the tasks and case files he had to do in the office, Sasuke was looking forward to a night with his boyfriend. No work and no worries.

Just him, Naruto and their baby. 

"Teme...?" Naruto's sleepy voice called out. The blond slowly sat up, his blue eyes bleary with sleep. Sasuke turned around, his onxy eyes warm as he took in the sight of his boyfriend before settling beside him, throwing an arm around his waist. Naruto instantly melted in Sasuke's hold and laid his head on the strong shoulder. The raven smiled, nuzzling the soft locks under his jaw. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly, a pale hand joining Naruto's and intertwining. 

The blond hummed in contentment, the drowsiness still apparent. "I'm okay. Just been so *yawn* tired today." Naruto whispered. Cerulean eyes looked up towards Sasuke. "I just... I'm not sure how I'll be able to manage university as well if I'm getting this tired now." 

Sasuke kissed Naruto's forehead softly and gently lowered him onto the mattress. "Getting tired is normal dobe. That's what comes with being pregnant and when it comes to university, let's not think about that now. Just keep doing what you are doing now okay?" 

Naruto nodded, smiling softly at Sasuke's adoring eyes. The blond placed his free hand on Sasuke's face, sliding up to gently move the long blank bang. "How was your day? You look tired." The blond asked. 

 "It was fine. Tiring but fine." He answered, moving his head to kiss Naruto palm. "Itachi hired a new secretary. I don't like her." Sasuke stated, laying down next to him, the blond immediately taking his place on the raven's chest. 

"She's hitting on you?" The blond snickered, grinning mischievously. Sasuke's expression turned to one of disgust. 

"Shut it dobe and go to sleep." Sasuke growled with no heat behind it, burying his face in the crook of Naruto's neck. Naruto chuckled at the raven's reaction. 

Naruto was used to seeing women flock around and flirt with Sasuke. Heck! He couldn't blame them honestly. Earlier it used to strike a cord in him whenever it happened and the ugly feelings of jealousy and doubt would cloud his mind. The thoughts of Sasuke realising that he deserved better and leaving him would pop up often but now... 8 years into their relationship, it didn't bother him anymore. Sasuke loved him, to an extent that he couldn't even comprehend. Their relationship was like no other. It was strong, secure and built on mutual trust and understanding of each other. 

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