Chapter 15

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'Seems like your job is getting easier by the second if they are falling apart now.' The dark voice in her head piped up.

Her devil- red lips twitched up into a malevolent smirk, green eyes scanning the man up and down in judgement. Her pointy nose upturned into a slight sneer when it drifted up to Naruto's belly, knowing what was hiding underneath that scraggy orange sweater.

Sakura witnessed and heard the whole exchange with excitement. Seeing the way Sasuke literally dismissed Naruto and walked away made her giddy with amusement. A sadistic thrill of pleasure strummed her heart, seeing the downturned cerulean eyes of the blond as he stood there with a hurt look on his face.

'Oh the irony. You and that pesky blond have switched places.' Cackling internally, she walked out of Sasuke's office, staring at Naruto as she passed him and smirked.

"Excuse me, I have to help Mr. Uchiha with something. Feel free to stay in his office." She smiled wickedly and left to follow Sasuke with a pompous sense of accomplishment, the annoying clicking of her stilettos echoing as she walked.

Naruto remained where he was, still unable to process what had just conspired minutes ago. He couldn't believe Sasuke had spoken to him like that. Like he was some annoying pest. Like he was some burden that the raven was tired of holding. In the entirety of their relationship - the whole 8 years, Sasuke had never disregarded him... No matter how annoyed, angry or afflicted they were with each other, his lover always there when he needed him, the circumstances be damned. To an outsider's perspective, it would be hard to believe. Even his own friends were skeptical when they announced their relationship, wondering what he had seen in Sasuke to make him fall in love with the serious raven boy but they didn't know who Sasuke really was.

His feet moved unconsciously towards the office and he walked in, closing the door behind him as he did. He looked around dazedly, not knowing what he felt at the moment. His heart felt... constricted, like vines were wrapped around it and squeezing the life out of him. His chest tightened, his breaths becoming shallower and shallower. The blond immediately surged forward to Sasuke's desk and steadied himself, feeling light-headed and woozy. Closing his eyes, he took calming breaths, gasping for air to fill his burning lungs, fear of dying trying to take over.

'Oh god... Did I j-just have a p-panic attack? What the hell? What the hell is happening to me!?' Naruto exclaimed, his cerulean eyes wide in disbelief. He panicked... over absolutely nothing! Little droplets of sweat rolled down his back and he felt a cool feeling on his face. He leaned against the edge of the desk, breathing deeply to gain back in composure.

"Ugh... I'm all sweaty now." Naruto grimaced, fanning his sweater. Feeling uncomfortable, he made his way over to the washroom to freshen up, his mind still preoccupied with shame for breaking down like that.

'Am I really that weak?'

The feeling of cold water against his skin was refreshing to say the least. Taking a small hand towel, Naruto patted his face dry, walking out of the washroom. He exhaled softly at the soothing feeling of the soft material gliding against his skin.

"So you are here." A pitchy voice spoke up. Naruto glanced up, startled by the voice. His azure eyes met with jade ones, glaring at him with heat. The room began to feel chilly, the ambience becoming more eerie by the second. He felt his body go rigid just at the presence of this... woman. Her stare was discerning, her smiles - made of out plastic and her eyes looked malicious.

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