❀ Pool Party ❀

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scenario; the boys decide to throw a pool party, floaties, tanning and shirtless boys are a-go

inspired from this

here's some fluff, I had serious trouble writing lately but hopefully it's enough

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here's some fluff, I had serious trouble writing lately but hopefully it's enough. and I know it's not summer anymore, jeez.

Thank you so much for those are patient, I'll try and get a double update in. <3


The scorching hot sun danced on Jimin's skin as he laid still on his lounging chair, his eyes shut while fully covered in layers of sunscreen. Moronic boys pushed and splashed at each other in the gigantic pool, screaming and laughing obnoxiously.

"Stop it, Hyung! Before I go over there and pull your leg from under you!" Jungkook laughed, playfully grinning at Taehyung. They chased eachother around in the water, muscles and abs straining on their shirtless torsos.

"Jinnie-hyung, get over here! You too, Jimin! Stop being scared of the water!" Namjoon yelled out from the edge. Yoongi and Hoseok were using floaties, trying to knock one another off.

Seokjin was fumbling with his pink button-up shirt, afraid of being made fun of. Namjoon had to go and reassure him.

Meanwhile, Jimin sat up at the call of his name. His eyes shamelessly wondering to Jungkook and his rippling impressive six pack, snatched waist and built arms. His eyes well-trained and fixated on his body, he didn't even realize Jungkook walk up to him.

"Like what you see?"

"As if." Jimin joked, laying back down to bake. The maknae chuckled, shaking off his hair which cause water droplets to wet Jimin.

"Yah, Jungkook!" His hyung shouted at him. The taller male smirked, getting closer.

"Come to the pool with me, babe."


"Why not?" Jungkook whined.

"I don't want to." Jimin protested, shutting his eyes and pouting angrily. Moments later, he felt Jungkook's wet arms snake around his body and pull him up.

Suddenly he was hanging over Jungkook's bare shoulder, knocking the air out of him. He let out a squeal and squirmed in Jungkook's grip.

"This is gonna be fun!" Jungkook exclaimed, a dumb grin on his face as he carried a protesting mochi over to the pool.

"Jungkook, don't—!" The older was dropped in the pool was a splash, Jungkook jumping in right after him. Jimin popped his head out of the water with a death-glare, he really was very angry, but to the rest of the members—he looked like a fussy-baby.

The members were bursting with laughter as they watched Jimin struggle to swim towards Jungkook. He couldn't reach the floor. It was the funniest thing.

He was doggy paddling at the slowest pace, tiring himself rather quickly. He nearly drowned.

"I'm going to choke you, Jeon!"

"If you can actually get to me, that is." He teased, only making Jimin more furious. His drenched hair stuck to his forehead.

He just about had it with him and reached the edge of the pool, ready to climb back out when Jungkook wrapped his arms around him and pulled him back.

Jimin's bare back rubbed on Jungkook's chest as he squirmed, weaking his grip.

"Hyung, stop moving unless we both want to sink!" He told him, causing Jimin to freeze and attempt to relax in his arms. His cheeks warmed as both of them floated in the water, while casually just holding one another.

The others busy playing with eachother to notice the two drift away.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook whispered, putting his head on his shoulder and kissing his collarbone.

"I didn't know you couldn't swim. I wouldn't have thrown you in like that, if I did."

Jimin sighed, turning around and wrapping his legs around the younger's waist to keep buoyant. He placed a soft kiss on Jungkook's forehead. "It's fine, Jungkook-ah. But now you have to hold me so that I won't drown."

"Can't I just get you a floatie?"

Jimin's cheeks flushed, his attempt to be a flirt failed miserably. "P-please hold me, Jungkook-ah. I don't want to swim on my own."

It seemed the boy got the hint this time.

Jungkook smirked slightly to himself, holding Jimin closer to him. "Anything for you, Jimin-ssi."

"Hey, lovebirds! Get over here and play some volleyball with us!" His hyung's called from behind, Jungkook put Jimin on his back and swam over to them. Soon they were playing an even game of volleyball in the pool with one member keeping score of both teams.

Jimin sat on Jungkook's shoulders, hitting the ball whenever it came on their side and vice versa. It was halfway through winning that Jimin reached too far to one side and fell straight into the water.

Jungkook had to rescue him again, teasing Jimin for his clumsiness. The game ended after a few more points here and there. The pair got easily tired.

The others left the water to get something to eat. Both alone and in one another's embrace.

"Jiminie-hyung, let's get out the pool already. I'm hungry." Jimin refused to part from Jungkook, he snuggled into the younger's muscled chest.

"But Jungkook-ah," he whined. Jungkook looked down at him, catching his adorable puppy-eyes. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Can't you teach me how to swim now?"


Sorry for the crappy update
Much love x

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