scenarios; jimin likes guitar and learning, so he pays his shop's troublemaker to teach him
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Surprise! I bet you didn't a chapter to be updated so early huh? Well, I had so much inspiration last night that I just started writing like crazy and this scenario came out.
I hope it isn't disappointing. If people want, I could turn it into an actual book, if you would like.
also, does anyone here like reading long chapters?
anyways, enjoy my lovelies~
Jimin had always held a strong love for music. Wherever he went, he was indulged in the jams of a passing car, the humming of a person beside him on the subway or the simple tune of a bird. However, this time it was a boy on the street with his guitar. Every day on his way to his part-time job and back, Jimin would stop just a few minutes to listen in to the small musician. Not only because he loved the strum of the guitar, but because the hooded-boy playing it, had just as much passion. Singing, with as much passion.
But as much as Jimin loved listening to him, he never got the courage to go up to them. There was always a vibe he received from the boy that told him to stay away, until one day—the male no longer played at the spot. And Jimin wished he had said something.
It was like a virus, Jimin didn't want to push his curiosity but not being to hear the sound of the guitar and that voice every morning and afternoon before he went home—began to creating a hole in his heart. The days went by, weeks went by and eventually months, Jimin hoped to see that guitarist again, tried going to different areas in town where he might've found someone playing music. But he didn't find any hope.
So the small, frail and lone Jimin tried to find similar sounds, similar songs but none he found filled the void in his chest. Within that time period, and without a second thought, Jimin made a decision and bought himself a guitar.
Not knowing a single note, chord, or song known to the world of guitar, Jimin sat out in the streets with his new precious instrument and played. It was days, weeks, before Jimin realized what he was doing. It cut into his part-time job, to find out that he wasn't learning anything or meeting anyone—or finding where that voice went. He felt hopeless, lost and a little lonely.
"This is pointless..."
Maybe this is what that boy felt like, Jimin thought.
Jimin slung the useless guitar on his back, fixing his beanie, hanging his head low in disappointment. He walked back into town, following the path of his small part-time, hoping they'd forgive his absence and still take him in. He rounded the corner too sharply.
What he didn't expect was to be caught right in the middle of a thief chase. A hard body shoved Jimin onto the ground, tumbling on concrete, arms and legs tangled. Jimin heard a heavy huff in his ear, causing him to flinch and shut his eyes tightly—feeling the weight crush him.