scenario; things are rough between Jimin and Jungkook after breaking up, but after a few painful days of being apart, they reunite in the heat of lustful forgiveness
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HOLY CRAP, it's been a long wait hasn't it? The reason I've most likely posted this was A: I rushed it, or B: because we got 10k on this book.
But either way—ANOTHER UPDATE WOO!! Thank you so much for your support and lovely comments on this book, and forgive me for not taking it serious. I know it's been like, years, but it's really time I get these drafts out of the closet.
As for my other ghosted books as well.
PLEASE ENJOY THIS CHAPTER. (and sorry for any mistakes or typos)
"H-Hyung, I'm not sure what to do." Jimin sighed, rolling back on his bed. His sheets were misplaced, tissues were discarded all over the place and he hadn't showered in days.
He was taking his breakup rather tough, calling out of work for space but within that time, he would mope. Jimin couldn't even talk to a friend about it without sounding like a complete wreck. Everyone and almost everything would remind Jimin of him.
Because of the way that things had ended. His relationship was incredibly reckless, Jimin hadn't had time to prepare himself.
"Jimin-ah, I know you're hurting horribly... but don't you know that's probably what he wants? To see you breakdown, see you in the weak state that you're in?" Seokjin told him over the phone, his tone revealed to Jimin that he was clearly offended by his ex's actions.
But to hear the truth, only brought fresh tears to the younger's eyes—making him cry softly through the phone.
"You're only giving him what he wants, sweets. Listen, stop that. No more crying over pathetic men, alright? Don't make me come over there." His Hyung added, and Jimin had managed to bring his tears to a short stop. Sniffling and hiccuping, while Seokjin on the other line just grimaced.
"Hyung, I-I appreciate you t-trying to help, but I just c-can't do this..." Jimin uttered just a below a whisper, his voice hoarse and broken.
At this moment, the brunette had indeed felt helpless. Jungkook was his first love, his first time and his first heartbreak. His heart was torn in two. He couldn't recognize his horrific physical state, but he also knew that deep inside it wasn't worth crying endlessly over Jungkook.
"Twenty minutes, Jimin. Go wash up, get dressed, I'm dragging your ass out for some fun and trust me, a good distraction is what you need."