scenario; jimin falls in love with a boy at a carnival
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some FRIENDSHIP vmin moments -
It was Jimin's first time going to an amusement park. He had always had a fear of clowns which is why he never attempted to go. Until of course, his bestfriend Taehyung decided to pay him a visit.
They planned to spend their day back together on rollercoasters and get stomachaches off sweet and cotton candy. Jimin had to pull it off, in order for him not to upset Taehyung.
"Tae, I'm scared! I don't want to go in there myself, I might shit my pants."
His bestfriend laughed and ruffled his head. "Jiminie, I promise to get you a giant teddy bear if you go through on your own and come back to me~!"
Jimin's eyes lit up, a wide smile on his face as he feverishly nodded his head. He put on his bravest face, stepping through the fun house, not bothering to focus on his surroundings.
He tried his best to avoid jumpscares, but one caught up to him making him fall back in a piercing shriek. It was a real life clown. He nearly cried, he curled up into a ball on the floor, quivering with fear.
It stared down at him, bewildered. The clown stretched out his hand, but Jimin only screamed more. All of a sudden, it vanished and Taehyung was in his place.
"Jimin-ah! Are you okay?"
"I-I s-aw a clo-w-wn..." Jimin was trembling, tears streaming down his face. Taehyung felt like a horrible bestfriend, pulling Jimin up to his feet.
"Oh, Jiminie... come on, let's go get cotton candy." He cooed, putting his arm around the older and bringing him out. Jimin sniffed, putting on a smile.
- An hour later, they had been on several rides and ate a load of carnival sweets. In fact, Jimin was digging into another stick of pink candy cotton just as he waited outside—while Taehyung used one of the restrooms, Jimin overheard a conversation.
"Can someone go on with me?"
"No. We're uneven, you're going to have to go on by yourself."
"But Hyung, I'm afraid of heights!"
"Don't be a wuss, Jungkook."
Jimin eyes scanned over the boy, his head hung low while the others went on the ferris wheel without him. He was so good-looking, Jimin thought. He had a idea surge through him and suddenly he walked up to the boy.
"I'll ride with you."
- The entire time the boy wouldn't look up, eyes-closed, anxious, a pout evident on his pink lips. It was similar to how Jimin reacted to the mere thought of clowns. Jimin sat beside him and held his hand, which made the boy flinch.
"There's no need to be scared."
Jimin's small hand perfectly fitted into the boy's larger ones, it brought him comfort and he sighed in content. "Thank you for getting on with me."
"You're welcome. My name's Jimin, by the way."
"Jungkook." He smiled, causing a beautiful smile to arise on Jimin. Butterflies erupted in his stomach when Jungkook interlocked their fingers and squeezed tight. The cubical began to rock.
"I'm afraid of clowns."
Jungkook opened his frightful eyes that softened while looking at Jimin. "Why is that?"
"I'm not sure, maybe I've watched too many horror movies."
This caused Jungkook to chuckle, his eyes crinkling which made Jimin smile so hard, it made his cheeks hurt. He was glad he could make Jungkook laugh and forget all about his fear. He was glad to be useful.
"I'm not a big fan of them either."
The rest of the ride consisted of them sharing their insecurities with eachother. They stepped out with their hands glued together, not realizing. When they heard their names being called, they separated.
"Jimin-ah!" Jimin turned his head to glance at a worried Taehyung, guilt ran through him.
"Well, it was really great talking you, Jungkook, but I have to go now."
"Wait! Here." Jungkook had handed him a phone, at which Jimin blushed while typing in his phone number. Jungkook didn't want to lose contact with him, Jimin was likewise.
"We'll see eachother soon, Jimin-ssi."
Jimin watched him walk off with the others. He had wondered when their next meeting would be, he had much to tell Taehyung.
I would've updated again last night, but I got caught up sjsksksjk soz -hope it isn't too little.