scenario; jungkook and jimin meet up for a cup of hot cocoa during the fall, to catch up on things 🎃
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(I've had really bad writer's block lately.
which is ironic bc my English class has been assigning me 1002038337 essays and I haven't been doing all of them oOf so sorry if this chapter is a bit uncreative I can't process what I write anymore But just putting it out there, I love fall and the orange leaves and the weather, and the hot cocoa and-
I'm getting carried aWayagdhsh)
here's the fluff you've waited for. ('ε` ) -
Jimin tucked his frozen hands inside of his coat, a scarf neatly placed around his neck, as wind blew back his orange-dyed hair. Autumn leaves giving color to the park, dancing and circling around him.
He was patiently waiting for someone.
In the cold.
Just about catching a cold.
But Jimin luckily had all the time of world, considering he postponed his entire schedule, just to spend it with an old friend.
He at least thought they'd be spending it someplace warm, where he could process his own thoughts instead thinking about how his face and fingers will freeze off.
Jimin whipped around at the call of his name, a glimpse of a familiar bunny-like grin flashed on his face before the boy tackled him in a hug.
Jimin was consumed with warmth, and the sweet, but masculine cologne scent of Jungkook. He smiled, his dongsaeng's built body masking him from the chilliness.
"Hyung, I missed you!"
"M-m-e t-to-o." Jimin replied, the cold hitting back in the face with much force when Jungkook had pulled away.
Jungkook noticed and chuckled, putting an arm around his hyung to rely some warmth again.
Jungkook changed since the last time he had seen him. His hair was still the same radiate chestnut color, but he had grown in height, towering over Jimin, and his shoulders had broadened.
Jimin thinks Jungkook has also gained some muscle.
"Sorry I've kept you waiting. Come on, I think there's a cafe nearby."
Jimin only nodded, tailing along with the tall maknae, out of the park.
The two entered the small cafe, heat from the coffee and the delicious bakery brought movement back into Jimin's bones. His face flushed from the sudden change of temperature, he sighed in content.
Jungkook went to order, while Jimin found a seat by the window. He blew hot air into his hands, looking out at his view.
A few minutes past and Jungkook sat in front him, he handed him his cup of hot cocoa. Jimin instantly wrapped his hands around the plastic cup.
"How have you been, Hyung?"
"I've been good, work's been heavy on me though."
"Why's that?"
"Haven't been getting paid enough to cover rent, so I've been juggling side jobs." Jimin told him, honestly. Jungkook eyes filled with pity. Jimin didn't want to burden his dongsaeng with his problems, so he changed the subject.
"What about you? How's New York been?"
Jungkook smiled at the question, "Very busy and very expensive, but I enjoyed it there. There's so much to do and the city I was staying in was massive."
Jimin watched as Jungkook talked more about his trip, mesmerized by the small twinkle in his big brown orbs. He felt longingly and slightly envious. Jimin missed having Jungkook around.
He also had been wanting to go on a trip for ages now.
Jimin blinked, glancing back at Jungkook, "Yeah?"
"I said, I'm leaving back to New York tonight. I plan to stay." Jungkook asked, Jimin eyes-widened. He knew Jungkook was being serious. His heart suddenly plunged to his stomach.
"Then what made you come here, if you were to stay?"
"I came to see you of course." Jimin's face flushed, he felt special. He drank his hot cocoa, not knowing how to respond back. There was comfortable silence between them and soon they stood outside in the cold again.
Jimin and Jungkook huddled together under a small tree. Jimin sipped the last of his hot cocoa, and Jungkook struck the conversation again.
"Maybe I can convince you to go back with me?" Jungkook suggested, causing Jimin to nearly choke on his drink.
He heavily coughed, covering mouth with his arm as he stared bewilderedly at the younger.
"Jungkook-ah, I can't..." Jimin denied, but he badly wanted to go. Jungkook wasn't foolish however, he could clearly see it in his hyung's eyes that he wanted to say yes.
"Jimin-hyung, I will pay for the expenses–"
"No, I don't want to burden you. I-"
"You'll never be a burden to me. You don't have to worry about anything, I will take care of you." Jungkook promised, taking Jimin's hand in his.
Jimin felt tears dwell in his eyes, pure security and love radiating from Jungkook through him.
Yes, he wanted to go.
He wanted to go live with him and conquer New York together.
He wanted to rent the best apartment with the best view and go to fancy restaurants, and explore the street shops.
"I-" Jungkook pulled the older into him, softly kissing his auburn-head. Heat was sent in waves throughout his body, Jimin's eyes fluttering shut for a second.
"Don't deny it anymore. Just come with me, hyung."
Jimin was silent, gazing up at Jungkook before revealing a beautiful smile that lit up his face.
"Okay, Jungkook-ah," Jimin shoved his hands inside Jungkook's pockets, intertwining their fingers.
"I'll move in with you."
ahh how's everyone fall so far? hope this chapter was okay, sorry for the inconsistency.