❀ Birthday Wish ❀

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scenario; jimin decides to celebrate his dongsaeng's birthday with a flavor of his own

scenario; jimin decides to celebrate his dongsaeng's birthday with a flavor of his own

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My beautiful lovely readers, thank you so so much for your patience and your support. We've finally reached the big 3k, and I know it's been so long that I've posted and I cannot be more sorry, but just thank you so much and welcome newcomers. I have another chapter after this that will be very long as well. I'll probably edit this one again later. Much love x❤️

fluffiness coming your way~!
enjoy x

The boys had finished putting up the subtle but well-thought-out decorations, wrapping the expensive gifts and icing the rather-large cake, right on time. Jungkook would be back at his apartment from his part-time job soon enough, and the elders couldn't wait to congratulate him and celebrate with the boy.

It was almost a good month of planning, that the boys have been taking their time off from work to contemplate on this. All while Jungkook was oblivious and busy moving out on his own, it was Jimin's idea to bring them all together for the last time before the group went their own independent ways.

They've had finally got the time to spend the day with one another after clearing their busy schedules. Jungkook had just about finished studying at college, and while moving and finding the space to unpack and get settled in—it gave him no time socialize.

So even so, as they decorated the place to their full potential, they couldn't help but feel somber about the separation party. Especially Jimin who had a special attachment to this dongsaeng. He was the most devastated about this, he had hope that he wouldn't have to live too far away.

The boys, beside Jungkook who was oblivious, knew how much Jimin loved to spoil him. Not always because he was his hyung and that they got along quite well—but because Jungkook means plenty to him, more than your brotherly love.

Jungkook was his world.

Taehyung kept his eye on his phone for any texts from Jungkook, while Jimin and the others wrapped their gifts and tidied up the scraps to prevent suspicion when Jungkook arrived home.

Jimin briefly examined his small, but valued gift he had carefully thought of and planned for Jungkook. Although, he had a feeling the boy would love it—Jimin was hesitant about giving it to him. Jungkook would always whine to him about wishing to go a concert, but never having a day off nor money—instantly that gave a clear mind as to what Jimin would get for him.

However, Jungkook hated whenever Jimin spent large amounts of money on him—would Jungkook still be willing to go?

"What are you thoughts? Think he'll like it?" Jimin asked, walking up to the tall older.

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