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3. (10 things about me)
1. First things first, I'm super friendly online but irl I'm a very shy bean ❤️
2. My friends tell me all the time that I have no emotions, which is true, but I can also be very sensitive ~(˘▾˘~)
3. I also hate crying in front of people, I tend to get embarrassed, before I mostly used to cry a lot in the past and I didn't really have control over it oof
4. I have a weak humor, I'll laugh at anything, seriously
5. I'm the shortest of all my friends and family members, haven't grown past my middle school height. How tall am I? (¬‿¬)
6. I have a fear of creepy crawleys and falling in love, for one, bugs give me the heebie geebies and I've always struggled to be in a relationship, I get anxiety. But my love for y'all will never change ❤️
7. I've been writing since the 4th grade and drawing, I've improved but I can't tell I've become a skillful author or not, that requires major talent which all you lovelies have❤️
8. I have a huge music addiction. I can't do nothing without listening to music, it helps me concentrate, boosts my mood and inspires me most of the time. I have a wide variety of music taste, it changes by mood for example, it could go from pop to kpop to rock to metal to alternative to latin and change in between. x
9. I used to read, watch and draw anime for quite a long time, it was a phase but it really shouldn't have been. Everything in middle school was a huge phase, by that I mean what you think I mean. I dyed, bleached and shredded my hair more times than you can think and pierced my lip at 14. I miss those days (ಥ﹏ಥ)
10. ❤️I like hugs, but I'm not one to give them. I'm super dependent even when I don't appear to be, it could be a struggle to deal with. I like video chatting or phone calls over text. I like cuddles and I like the rain and the smell of rain. I'm not the Starbucks type of person, but I live for some good coffee and a chocolate donut. I love the fall, the cold is my friend. ❤️
I've struggled to write most of these because I'm a boring person, and there's nothing particularly special about this author oof
forgive me if you don't want to be tagged. Here's the tagged: