❀ Hospitalized ❀

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scenario; where else is the best place to fall in love than your own death bed?

scenario; where else is the best place to fall in love than your own death bed?

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buckle up, lovelies. It's time to get out the tissues and ice cream, things are about to get extra sad in here.

you have a very long chapter ahead. also top pic I drew for this chapter ^^


"Here." Jungkook heard him say, before a small, short-fingered hand grabbed his and placed a stone in his palm. Jungkook peered down at the weight with a puzzled look. His hospital friend, Jimin stood beside him with a playful smile. Idiotically shivering, because well, they stood outside in the soon-to-be-winter weather. No, not standing, for Jungkook who reluctantly sat in a wheelchair.

It was almost curfew, but Jimin and him always planned to meet just before they were locked inside their hospital rooms til the next day. As Jungkook remained hospitalized, Jimin said it was his duty to keep him smiling and make him laugh every time they were together.

But despite Jimin being upbeat, smiling, cracking soft jokes—Jungkook made it difficult battling his condition and worrying if his family would ever visit him again. Jungkook complained about it constantly, his heart ached and because of the stress—he hadn't been able to heal internally.

Jimin knew very well about his disability, he also knew that he wouldn't be there long to see it improve enough. The older loathed being useless, feeling like his comfort wasn't enough for his endearing hospital friend, but he had to endeavor. Prevent the boy from weeping his heart out and tearing his life apart.

"Make a wish, Jungkook-ah." Jimin told him softly, but Jungkook's eyes darted up and sent a perplexed look his way.

"Come on, make a wish and throw it into that fountain over there." Jimin insisted, holding another stone in his hand. Jungkook sighed, not liking the idea, twisting the stone within his fingers.

Before Jungkook could say another word, Jimin went from behind his wheelchair and pushed forward. "This is stupid, why are we doing this?"

"Hey, what'd I tell you? Do first, asks questions later." Jimin scolded him lightly, the younger rolled his eyes, giving his attention to the tall fountain—surprised the water hasn't frozen over already.

They close their eyes in sync when making their wishes, tossing in their stones, and turning their heads to look at eachother. Jimin shot him a reassuring smile, in which Jungkook almost involuntarily responded with his own.

"So, what'd you wish for, Hyung?" Jimin flushed.

"Jungkook-ah, what's the whole point for making the wish in first place, if I were going to tell you?"

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