scenario; jungkook is a needy-boy who is obsessed with receiving hickies
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I don't think I've ever written bottom-kook fluff edition, so bare with me! also sorry for any grammar mistakes!
thank you for your support, lovelies!
Jungkook was a good boy, with a loving family, wholesome friends, and a handsome and utterly adorable boyfriend, whom he was fond over. The two were inseparable, heading to classes together, spending nights in each other's dorm rooms and going on dates whenever they could.
But most of the time, they'd cherish alone time together.
Jungkook wasn't really a fan of pda, but as long as Jimin was by his side and holding his hand, he didn't really have to commit to showing farther affection. Until, the day they had finally slept together. Jungkook loved the feeling of Jimin's lips on him, the sensation of their skin brushing against each other and the way Jimin's hands caressed him.
But most importantly, he grew became infatuated with the possessive markings Jimin would leave on his body. Hickies that scattered and tainted his beautiful, creamy-silk skin. And Jungkook relished them, it grew strength in him. He loved the feeling, the colors and idea of it all. Jungkook was obsessed with the fact that a single hickey could evoke such wonderful emotions in him.
Especially when received by his boyfriend, Jungkook wanted them all the time. When the old ones would fade, he would beg Jimin to replace them with more. And this time, it did not matter where they were.
If Jungkook wanted them, Jimin was not one to disappoint him. Even with his new, odd obsession and habit, Jimin found it slightly endearing and prideful. He loved showing the younger off to the world, claiming the boy as his and reminding others of the fact that he was his and his only.
If a hickey could prove that, Jimin was more than willing to comply.
Soft, plump lips danced on his tan complexion, blessing every inch of his skin, a minor nibble here and there with small, endearing comments. Morning hickies, the younger's favorite form of breakfast. Jungkook mewled, threading his fingertips through the older's locks, gently massaging him in delight.
The brunette lifted his head from the younger's neck, detaching his lips in order to look him in the eye.