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Hi guys, if it makes you feel slightly better I didn't forget about you I was with my family, my grandpa has been feeling horrible he has stomach cancer, right now he's going through chemo, we thought everything was fine he's always been a tough man. But it honestly came out of nowhere we only realized it now and he's been dealing with the early stages for 6 months. So updates may be slow because most of my time has been spent with him, school starting up soon, it's ;.really. Sorry for the book enjoy the chapter.

[ c h a p t e r 46]

"So yeah that's why I don't get on too well with cats" Louis finished with a frown.

I patted his back softly, "Well damn, I'm sorry to hear that, I didn't know you had a bad past with them, never would of brought em up if I'd known."

"Ehh it's alright, ya didn't know." He laughed quietly, "so how many floors do we have left? My arms are killing me."

I looked at a sign that said fifty two, "well Louis we have 8 more, were almost there, then I'm gonna put in the password and it-"

"Natalie, what is the password? I mean I'm just curious."

"It was a sort of puzzle and I was doing research and I think I finally know what it is, I just don't want to say because I'm afraid."

He looked at me with a hurt look held in eyes, "so you're really not gonna tell me?"

"Oh. Don't take it personal, I mean I'm not sure if it's even correct and if it's not well we're all fucked, completely." I replied.

We picked up our pace slightly, only because we had a few more floors, and I think we both just wanted this trek over. Louis's harsh breathing was loud, I closed my eyes focusing on his heavy boots hitting the concrete steps in a tortuous rhythm.

As we got closer to the top the rain could be heard again, I was still wet, my hair was damp and curled at the edges. I opened my eyes to see Louis, I got to really pay attention to all his features, unlike I had before.

His hair had fell to his face from the rain, and his eyes were iced over, with a pale blue, his face had a faint beard that lined his jaw and upper lip, making him appear older. He must have noticed me staring because he scrunched his eyebrows holding a playful scowl.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just you have very nice features." I mumbled continuing up the steps, "What were you like as a child?" I asked.

"Oh insane, my mum said I was wild and reckless. Always trying to get people to laugh and see the brighter side of things, it's my calling. Making people smile when they can't."

Louis walked ahead, almost like he was trying to race me, silly man, he should know better than that. I frowned as I saw another soldier on the ground. He wasn't dead and his gun was aimed straight for us.

I let out a quick yelp before diving to the ground. Louis let a howl before following to the ground. I whipped out my gun aiming for the soldier hitting him two times in the chest.

I crawled to Louis. I looked over him and saw he was shot in the leg. The wound was bleeding rapidly and I feared that he would die from loss of blood.

I ripped a part of my shirt off, I placed it over his wound and secured it tightly. All the while a dangerous amount of cursing had left his lips. I gave him a weak smile, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, and then helping him to his feet.

"Ughh, it hurts like hell." Louis complained.

It was so hard. Trying to get him up the stairs, he'd cry out in pain then curse and fuss. Then complain and hiss, I felt like nothing I did or try was diminishing his pain. It hurt me to see him like that when I know his attitude was anything but small or weak by any means.

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