one - friendly adios-es

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dear trixie...

i've seen your emails and they really struck me. i believe you know adore? she's how you found me, correct? im out of the town until friday, but i can get back to work as soon as i get back. here's my number if you need it, —— oh and btw, adore says she'll pay for everything: early birthday present.
friendly adios-es, katya.

trixie beamed in happiness as she read the email. she'd been mentioning for a while to her best friend adore that she wanted a tattoo to cover up some self harm scars, but she didn't really have the guts to go into a tattoo shop. adore had always mentioned that her older brother's friend, katya, was a very good tattoo artist. she didn't work in some fancy shop or anything, but she was reasonably priced and really talented! trixie knew this because adore had lots of tattoos, all of which done by katya- a meow across her knuckles, a few others that she couldn't really remember, but best of all? the moon on her ass.

the girl laughed, reading the message and repeating the last line in a whispered chuckle. "friendly adios-es." she shook her head and smiled, immediately adding katyas number to her contacts and then calling adore.

"hey bitch." her friend greeted over the phone in trixie's hand. her voice was very raspy and cool- she's not the kind of person you'd imagine trixie to be friends with, but they somehow worked.

"adore... i- thank you! i don't know what to say!"

"oh, you got the email then? i know that your birthday's friday, but she can only do saturday, is that okay?"

trixie nodded instinctively but soon realised that adore couldn't see her and sniggered a little to herself.
"yes, i know! that's more than okay, adore! im just- i don't know how what to say, or do, or even think. adore... thank you. really, thank you!"

the edgier girl laughed at the warm feeling of making her best friend happy. trixie was so deserving of this. she hadn't had the easiest life, and her self-inflicted scars were proof of that, but she was always ashamed of it. she liked them, in a way, because they were a reminder of what she managed to work through, but she also hated that they were noticeable. she couldn't wear short sleeves, or sheer shirts, or anything she wanted to at all. she'd wanted the tattoo for a while and adore thought it was about damn time she got one.

"um... dory?" trixie asked, suddenly becoming a little more anxious of the situation. "where will i actually be meeting with miss katya? you know, to get the tattoo done? is it safe? is she nice? oh my god, what is she's homophobic and sees the pride flag in my apartment? dee, i don't know if i can do this."

"you can. you need to. she's nice, she'll go to yours. she's very professional, trix, don't worry, she's trained and everything, but she does private jobs, that's all! i'll be there so i know you'll He okay. and she's a lesbian herself, so i think it's very unlikely she'll have anything against you."

as her best friend reassured her, the blonde calmed down and nodded to herself. "okay. thanks, dee. anyway, its almost time i aught to be leaving, ive got a shift at work."

"ugh, beatrice, you need to quit that job! it's stupid, pays barely enough to keep your apartment running, nevermind a healthy body. you hate your boss! he's a cunt, love. you're almost twenty-two now, and you care more about others than yourself, which is good, don't get me wrong, but you should really get out there while your young. perform your songs, look for a girl, do anything other than give some dickhead your all for little in return."

"adore, he's not a cunt. he's my friend. just because he's your ex, it doesn't mean you can treat him like that. the club's always been in his family and there are only four of us working there now, i have to stay. for him."

"whatever, ru's the worst and we both know it."

"i still can't believe you dated a guy thirty years older than you."

"needed a sugar daddy."

trixie snorted and then replied "shangela wouldn't be happy."

"ugh, whatever. didn't you have to go to his shitty club to work, anyway?"

"yes i did. oh and by the way, nobody calls me beatrice."

dear trixie // trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now