four - tracy

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"dear trixie... what do you think of this?"

oh my god... i- it's perfect!" trixie exclaimed, hands coming up to her mouth. "yes yes yes, that design, don't even show me the second one!" katya let out a laugh at how adorable trixie's reaction was. the design was a tattoo of an autoharp and a few flowers. she grinned at it widely as katya went to make it into a sticker and begin the tattooing process.

"alright." adore laughed. "you two seem to be getting on fine and i fancy a smoke, but i'm all out, so im just gonna go out to the store. anyone need anything?"

"oh, get me some? some of the fancy ass red and black ones that are like twenty dollars. the money's in my backpack." katya threw her red leather backpack at adore, who caught it and smiled.

"sure, you bangie bitch"

"i prefer the term whore, but pop off, linda." she chuckled, turning her attention back to cutting out the tattoo design. adore raised her eyebrows at trixie just to double check she'd be okay alone with katya and the blonde nodded in response, smiling. adore gave her a cheeky wink before walking out of the apartment and heading to the store.

there was silence in the room for a little while, but it wasn't uncomfortable. it was actually very relaxing. once katya was fully prepared, she held the paper up and looked at trixie. "okay, so where do we want this?"

trixie lifted up her sweater to just shove her elbow, making sure not to go any higher. shit. she soon came to the realisation that only a few centimetres above from the ruffle of his sleeves were her fresh cuts. she'd regretted them instantly, but they were still there nevertheless.

"may i?" katya asked as she went to put it over some old scars of trixie's. she hated seeing such horrible marks on such a wonderful young woman. she nodded shyly, hoping that nothing happened. katya placed the bottom of the design on trixie's arm and smoothed it over, and continued smoothing up bit by bit.

"okay, first part done. now for the needle mwahahahah." katya smiled as she laughed evilly. trixie chuckled in a small scream again and katyas lips curled once again. "still cute." she muttered, making the younger blush.

katya went away for a few moments and then came back with needle in hand. "you ready?" trixie nodded, biting her lip anxiously. "you sure?"

"yep. im ready. just do it! rip it off like a bandaid." she said, a little nervous. she was sure she wanted the tattoo, but a little worried about the needle. katya placed her hand on top of trixie's.

"hey, there's nothing to be afraid of..." the needle had no ink on it? so katya ran it along her own hand. "see?" trixie nodded. the feeling of katya's hand on top of her's felt so warm and comforting and she calmed down pretty quick. her fingers brushed along the younger's hand a few times to calm her, and it send chills down her spine. was katya flirting? she hoped she was. obviously katya couldn't have actually interested- they'd met that day! but trixie really did think that she was beautiful and thought that at the very least, a gorgeous woman flirting with her was flattering.

katya took her hand away from trixie's and dipped the needle in ink.
"im gonna start now, is that okay?"
the girl nodded again, her lip free from her teeth's grasp this time. "I'm gonna start from the bottom up, okay?"

"ah..." she winced as the needle hit her skin.

"shhh, it's okay." katya said, moving a little closer and placing her free hand on trixie's knee. somehow, once the outline was done, they had somehow intertwined and they were now holding hands, fingers locked.

"hey bitches!" adore shouted as she got in, cigarette hanging from her mouth.

"holy shit- adore!" trixie exclaimed in shock, luckily katya had put the needle down and they were taking a small break, so trixie's small jump was harmless. "where have you been? you took ages!"

"oh, i went to topshop and victoria's secret on the way, got you another birthday present!" she grinned, waving the pink shopping bags in her hands around before slinging them onto the coffee table. trixie rolled her eyes; adore was too good to her.

"ugh, you need to stop, i don't deserve you. you're the best, dee!"

"i know-" she grinned, before stopping at a realisation. "wait- are you two... you are!"

trixie and katya both instantly pulled their hands away from each other.

"she was nervous."
"it was hurting."

they both blurt out at the same time. adore rolls her eyes and began unpacking her bags, throwing one at trixie.

"i got you lots actually... a whole bag full... oh and i thought you might like this. your fags are inside." she threw a bundle of velvet fabric at her. she unraveled it and was presented with a gorgeous dress.

"im the only fag here, momma." she sniggered as took a good look at the dress. it was a bodycon stretch dress with long sleeves. it was almost the exact same colour as her lipstick and the thought of her in it was something that trixie actually rather enjoyed.

"oh my god, that would look so good on you." she said in a breathy tone, causing katya to stare for a moment. their eyes met.

"thank you, tracy." she smiled.

"tracy? so what we have kink names now, mom?"

"shhh." she pressed her fingers to trixie's mouth. "don't pretend you don't love it."

the truth was... she did.

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