ten - phenominal

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"dear trixie... wake up, gorgeous, it's almost nine!" katya cooed as she rubbed trixie's back gently and the younger's eyelids fluttered open.

"oh my god!" trixie mumbled, "how long was i out for?"

"a good while, baby, but that's okay. you clearly needed it." katya tried her best to ignore the fact that she had just accidentally referred to trixie as 'baby' but from the newly occurring redness of trixie's cheeks, it was clear that she had noticed. trixie stood up and brushed herself off, yawning as she stumbled to the bathroom.

"im just gonna go pee, can you order an Uber or something while im in there?"

katya shook her head and then smiled. "it's getting darker and i want an early night anyway. it's gonna be expensive to get an Uber at this time, anyway, so how about you just stay the night?"

"how, silly?" she smiled. "if i have no clothes then how can i?"

"what? so am i a peasant who can't lend you any clothes now?" trixie chuckled as katya said this, making the russian's heart skip a beat or seven. she went into her bedroom and rummaged through the drawers, eventually throwing an oversized shirt at trixie. it was very... katya. it was a black and red acid wash shirt with some emo band name sprawled across it and fringe rips all along the bottom. it also had a few tour dates along the back and underneath the band name, there were a few signatures in gold sharpie, of which belonged to who trixie assumes to be the band members. it seemed edgy enough, so trixie just smiled and didn't question when she realised that one of the signatures literally just said the word fuck. she smiled as she realised just how much it was reminiscent of her crush.

trixie quickly went to the bathroom to prepare for bed and came out in the shirt. it was very big and looked a little more like a dress than a shirt and despite the fact that she had no makeup on and some manky five year old band shirt on, it somehow looked stunning.

katya took a few moments to examine every single part of trixie's presence. her face was so stunning- she had the most gorgeous of completions and facial structure. her eyes shined even more when they weren't hidden by black eyeliner and lashes.

and the shirt, god, the shirt! it hugged to every single one of her curves perfectly. her tits stretched the fabric a little, creating pull lines across the front where tension between her boobs was occurring. the fabric curved around her hips and thighs beautifully, dipping in a little at her waist and complimenting her out glass shape perfectly.

"what?" trixie asked rather bluntly, biting one of the nails on her left hand. she was anxious that she looked silly, or too fat for katya. the girl was so oblivious of how gorgeous she was.

katya shook her head to try and free herself from the state of awe she was in and then finally spoke. "oh... I'm- s-sorry trix, i just... wow." she breathed. "you look-"

"stupid? fat? ugly? maybe i should just change? yeah, i'll do that. sorry about this, i'll be off-" trixie began, turning around about to enter the bathroom again, but katya grabbed her arm.

"no, trixie." the american looked the russian in the eyes to confirm her sincerity and awaited the next words. "you look phenomenal."

dear trixie // trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now