Chapter 26

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     Jennifer and Colin were now in the bright yellow bug. It was the last time that Jennifer was going to be driving the iconic car. The scene wasn't going to have sound as Lana was going to do a voice over of a whole bunch of scenes. Therefore, Jennifer and Colin were told to just talk about whatever and to just look happy. They were actually allowing Jennifer to drive during the scene since she would only be driving a short distance. "You better not kill us we still have one more scenes to film," Colin joked. "I am a good driver," Jennifer defended herself. "Ok, sure," Colin said not believing her. "What?" Jennifer questioned. "You never drive," Colin said. Jennifer did bring her car to Vancouver, but she didn't use it that much. It was usually parked inside her garage. She usually took a taxi to go places or Colin would drive her. "Just watch I am going to drive amazingly today," Jennifer smiled. "We will see," Colin joked.

     "Action!" the director said. As soon as Jennifer heard the clacking noise she accelerated the car. "Put the siren on the top," Jennifer instructed Colin. "I am trying to," Colin said struggling to stick the siren onto the top of the car. Jennifer looked over at Colin and started to giggle. "Hey! Keep your eyes on the road," Colin said jokingly. "Relax," Jennifer said diverting her gaze back to the road. "And cut!" The director said before Colin was able to get the siren faceted onto the roof. "See look who is having troubles now," Jennifer gave Colin a hard stare. "Whatever, just focus on backing the car up," Colin rolled his eyes. After each take, Jennifer had to back the car up to the starting position. Jennifer swiftly put the car in reverse and looked out the back window. "Watch out for the cone," Colin said frantically. There was a green cone marking the starting point for the car. "Cill out," Jennifer said putting the car in park. Colin let out a sigh of relief.

     After they successfully finished the scene Jennifer and Colin walked back to their trailers to get changed into their normal clothes. Jennifer couldn't believe that this would be the last time she would film in Steveston. She was going to miss the whispers of fans and clicks of cameras as she filmed. Filming in Steveston was like performing for an audience, as there were always crowds of people watching them. They were basically filming in front of a live audience. Jennifer wondered if she would ever experience anything like the magic in Steveston ever again. Once Upon A Time was special, and she was going to miss it so much. "What are you doing tonight," Colin asked casually breaking the silence. "Umm well, I have a scene with Lana back at the studio right now, but after that, I am done," Jennifer said taken aback from his question. They had added an extra scene to her day, and she had just found out a couple of minutes ago. What was Colin implying? "Do you want to go out to dinner?" Colin asked. "I... Umm," Jennifer said unsurely. "Just as one last dinner. Just you and I," Colin added. How could Jennifer say no, when Colin was looking at her with puppy eyes. "Ok sure," Jennifer smiled. "How about I pick you up at your house at eight?" Colin suggested. "Or I could pick you up," Jennifer teased. "I think you have driven enough for one day," Colin laughed.

     Jennifer and Colin parted their ways. Colin was staying in Steveston to film a short scene, and Jennifer was heading back to the studio. Pretty soon they would be leaving each other forever. How was Jennifer going to cope without seeing her best friend every day? Maybe she had made a mistake deciding to leave. However, she needed to stick with her gut and the decision that she had made. There was no turning back now. She needed to do what was best for her, but no matter how many times she kept telling herself that it never made her feel any better.

"Jen!" Lana came running up to her and gave her a big hug. "Hey Lana," Jennifer smiled. "I can't believe that this is going to be our last scene together," Lana said sadly. "We still have the group scene," Jennifer reminded her. "But this is our last duo scene," Lana said. "I still remember our first scene together," Jennifer smiled. "Me too, I couldn't stop laughing," Lana remembered. "What am I gonna do without you and all of the others?" Lana frowned. "I am sure you will make new friends with the new cast," Jennifer tried to be hopeful. "I guess, but it won't be the same. Everyone on the cast has become my family. We have all been through so much together. I don't think anyone could replace that," Lana said. "Oh stop, you are going to make me cry," Jennifer said.

Jennifer and Lana were able to finish the scene quickly. Which meant that Jennifer had three hours to prepare for her dinner with Colin. "Where are you off to in such a rush?" Lana asked. "I am not in a rush," Jennifer said defensively. Lana just rolled her eyes. "I am having dinner with Colin," Jennifer gave in. "What? Why?" Lana asked. "I don't know. He asked me out," Jennifer said. "Like a date? I knew he liked you," Lana said excitedly. "Lana, it's not a date. He is married remember. We go out to dinner all the time," Jennifer reminded her. "Yeah, but you just told him that you liked him," Lana said. "Colin and I agreed to just go back to how things where. We just want to enjoy these next days. We don't want to have to deal with the whole feelings thing," Jennifer explained. "Ok, but things will never be the same Jen. You confessed how you felt. Did he ever say how he felt about you?" Lana asked. "No, he just said that he wanted to go back to the way things were. So I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't feel the same way. I was so stupid to tell him. He was never going to see me as anything more than a friend," Jennifer sighed. "Just wait and see," Lana smirked. "Stop encouraging me," Jennifer whined. "I have known both of you for so long, and I have seen your relationship develop. I want you guys to be happy. You both deserve it. I know that the circumstances may not be ideal, but... you two belong with each other. I know that it may not have been obvious to either of you, but you two are good together." 

Hope you liked the chapter. Sorry for the late update. Please vote and comment your thoughts :)

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