Chapter 27

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As soon as Jennifer got home she started to prepare for her dinner with Colin. Jennifer stormed through her closet looking for the perfect dress. Colin had already seen all of her best outfits. Jennifer now regretted not going shopping the other day with Emilie and Rebecca. Jennifer also had no idea where Colin was taking her, so she didn't know how formal to dress. Why was she making such a big deal about dinner with Colin? Yes, things between them had been rocky the past few days, but it didn't mean that this dinner would fix everything. Colin still didn't like her, and that wasn't going to change over dinner. After going through her entire closet three times Jennifer decided to wear a plain red dress that had mid-length sleeves and it reached just above her knees. It was very simple but elegant. Next, Jennifer needed to decide on a hairdo. She sat in front of her vanity and played with her long blonde locks. She grabbed her hair in one hand and put it on top of her head to see if a bun would look good with her outfit. However, when she had all of her hair up her dress looked bland. Jennifer then made a little bun with half of her hair, but that look right either. She then decided to just leave her flowy hair down. To give it a little bit of volume she decides to curl her hair with her curling iron. Normally she would wear hair extensions to get her perfect Emma Swan look, but she decided against it, as she was Jennifer Morrison right now. She then did her makeup. She didn't want to put too much on, as Colin always said that she looked beautiful without makeup, so she just put some foundation on and did natural eye makeup.

When Jennifer was finished getting ready it was already 7:30. Only 25 minutes until Colin would arrive to pick her up, as he is always five minutes early. To calm her nerves Jennifer decided to go on Instagram. She scrolled through her feed, and she even liked some photos that fans tagged her in. There were already pictures from set today of her and Colin. When she looked at the pictures she found herself smiling. She was going to miss the long days on set with her best friend. It seemed like forever when the doorbell finally rang. "Hey!" Colin smiled when Jennifer opened the door. "Hi," Jennifer greeted him. "You look... beautiful," Colin stuttered complimenting her. "Thanks," Jennifer said. "You ready to go?" Colin asked. "Yup," Jennifer said grabbing her purse off of the coffee table. "So where are we going?" Jennifer asked as they walked to his car. "It's a surprise," Colin smirked giddily. "Ok..." Jennifer laughed as she climbed into the passenger seat.

The drive didn't take long, as the restaurant was downtown. Jennifer and Colin hopped out of the car, and Colin gave the valet man his keys. The restaurant that Colin took her to was West. It was a fancy seafood place. When they walked into the restaurant Colin gave his name to the host. "Mr. and Mrs. O'donoghue, just this way," the host said walking them down the hallway. Jennifer expected Colin to correct the host, but he didn't, so Jennifer decided to say something, "Oh no we aren't married," Jennifer said awkwardly. "Oh I am so sorry, I just assumed..." The waiter said turning red. "It's ok," Colin flashed his perfect smile. They then finally arrived at their two-person square table. "Thank you!" Jennifer said when the host handed her, her menu. "No problem, and sorry again for my confusion," the host apologized again. "Don't worry about it," Jennifer reassured her.

After Jennifer and Colin ordered their food there was an awkward pause. Neither of them knew what to say. "So..." They both said in unison making them both laugh. "You go first," Jennifer said. "Ok..." Colin smiled awkwardly, "I am really gonna miss you," Colin frowned. "I am gonna miss you too," Jennifer said taking a sip of her red wine. "Are you sure you can't stay?" Colin asked. "I just need to figure things out," Jennifer said. "You can figure things out here," Colin proposed. "I am sorry Colin," Jennifer looked down at her lap. "Is this about..." Colin didn't want to say it. Then a young woman approached their table. Jennifer and Colin both looked up at her. "Hi, I was wondering if I could get a picture with you two. I am a huge fan of the show," the girl smiled. "Sure," Colin smiled. Jennifer and Colin both stood up from their seats and took a photo with the lady. "Thank you so much," the lady smiled and walked away. "So what were we talking about again?" Colin asked. "Umm, I don't remember," Jennifer fibbed. She didn't want to talk about her feelings with Colin. Luckily, Jennifer was saved by the waitress who brought their food. Jennifer had ordered salmon, and Colin had ordered steak and lobster. "This is really good," Jennifer said, "you want to try some?" She asked him. Colin accepted her invitation and took a forkful of her salmon. "Do you wanna try my steak?" Colin asked. "No thanks," Jennifer declined. Throughout the rest of the dinner, Jennifer and Colin talked about memories on set and their cast members. They talked about everything except for the elephant in the room. 

After dinner, Jennifer and Colin walked to an ice cream shop a few doors down. After they got their ice cream, a coffee flavored one for Jennifer and a mint chocolate chip for Colin, they headed back to the restaurant to retrieve the car. "This was a great night thank you, Colin," Jennifer hugged him before getting into the car. "I am going to miss this," Colin said looking her straight in the eyes. At that moment Jennifer regretted her decision to leave. Her whole body was telling her to stay. Then, before Jennifer knew what was happening Colin leaned in and kissed her. 

Sorry for the late update. I have been really busy with schoolwork. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please vote and comment your thoughts. I really want to finshed this book soon, so I will try my best to ubdate more frequently. 

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