ONE: "Alive"

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A young girl walks into the Emergency Department at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. She's wearing black leggings, a black and white top, black boots and a khaki green jacket.

She has a cut on her head which has been cleaned but not closed or covered and her eyes are red and puffy like she's been crying

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She has a cut on her head which has been cleaned but not closed or covered and her eyes are red and puffy like she's been crying.

'Watch out!' Someone shouts. She steps aside as a team of doctors and nurses rush past wheeling a patient. The young girl looks around, surveying the busy department. Doctor Josephine Karev walks up to her.

'Are you okay?' Jo asks the young girl. 'Are you okay? That's a nasty cut you have on your head.'

'I'm fine.' The young girl smiles. 'I'm actually looking for someone. Doctor Owen Hunt. He's the chief of Trauma surgery.'

'Why don't you let me get you into a bed? I'll find Doctor Hunt myself and get another doctor to close the cut for you.' Jo suggests. 'It won't take long.'

'Okay.' The young girl nods.

'I'm Doctor Karev by the way.' Jo grins as she leads the young girl to a treatment bay, as she does, she grabs a suture tray. Once they are in the treatment bay, Jo motions for the young girl to sit on the bed.

'I'm Emma.' Emma tells Jo as she sits on the edge of the bed. Jo spots Doctor Andrew DeLuca standing at the nurse's station so she calls him over. Andrew closes the file he's looking through and walks over to them.

'Doctor DeLuca, this is Emma. She's got a nasty cut on her head, do you mind giving it a quick clean and closing it?' Jo asks.

'Sure.' Andrew nods.

'I'll be back in a few minutes.' Jo says to Emma, she then goes to find Owen. Andrew pulls over a stool and sits on it. He puts some gloves on and picks up the syringe with the local anaesthetic in.

'You're just going to feel-'

'A little scratch.' Emma finishes. 'This isn't my first rodeo.'

'Okay then.' Andrew nods. He puts the needle on the syringe into the skin around the cut to numb the area. He then cleans the wound with saline. As he's doing that, Emma sees Officer Ryan Tanner walk into the ED.

'Shit.' Emma whispers. Andrew turns around to see who Emma is looking at. When he sees, that she's looking at Ryan, he turns back to Emma. 

'You in trouble?' 

'Something like that.' Emma sighs. 'My mom tried to rob a jewellery store. She hit me over the head with something to knock me out. I walked away from the ambulance whilst the paramedics were trying to treat me, I spotted a social worker and there is no way I'm going back into the system. We've just moved back to Seattle from D.C. We lived there for about five years. That's when I started going in and out of the care system.' 

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