THREE: "Warrior."

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'The police?' Owen asks. 'What happened?'

'It's best we wait until tomorrow.' Emma says. 'Let's not ruin a good day.' 


The next day, Owen calls for Ryan to come back to the hospital so that Emma can speak to them. She's sitting on her bed cross-legged when they walk in. They sit in the chairs that Owen had set up. 

'I never told anyone the full reason I was diagnosed with depression.' Emma starts. 'The part about the abusive foster homes was true but it wasn't just the foster home.' 

'Your mom hurt you?!' Owen exclaims. 

'Not my mom.' Emma shakes her head. 'Mom got a new boyfriend when we first moved to D.C. He wouldn't do anything to my mum but he would do things to me.' She looks down and fiddles with her fingers. Tears start to fall from her eyes. 'I thought I could do this.' She looks back up. 'I can't.' 

'Emma, it's okay.' Ryan reassures her. 'If you need protection, we'll give you protection.' 

'It's not that I need protection.' Emma sighs. She then looks at Owen. 'You won't love me anymore.' 

'Emma, I will never stop loving you.' Owen says. 'No matter what.' He grabs onto her hand. 'It's okay.' He assures her. 'What happened?' 

'It started off with him touching me. He'd come into my room at night and would feel me up. Then it progressed to him making me do stuff to him and then it turned into rape.' Emma continues. She sees Ryan write down the details in his notebook. 'He got me pregnant.' Ryan stops writing. 'Mom knew and made me carry the baby to term. Her boyfriend knew this OB/GYN doctor so he got her to do all the ultrasounds and the delivery on the  DL. It was a girl. She was healthy. Beautiful. She died suddenly and I never got to find out why. She was only two-years-old.' 

'What's the boyfriend's name?' Ryan asks her. 

'James Filer.' Emma responds. 'He's a paediatric surgeon at Washington General.'

'Did he do anything else to you?' Owen asks. Emma just looks down. 'Em?' She slowly lifts her top up slightly to reveal a scar on her lower abdomen. 'Is that a hyst-?' 

'Hysterectomy scar?' Emma finishes, looking back up. 'Yeah.' She nods. 'He removed everything.' She puts her top back down. 'Two months ago. He said to me "if you can't have my baby, you can't have anyone else's baby".' 

'What do you mean?' Owen asks. 

'He didn't just rape me once.' Emma shakes her head. 'It was, probably, way over a hundred times. He wanted to get me pregnant again and again and again but my body couldn't handle the strain so soon after delivering Annabel.' She continues. 'That's what I named my daughter.' She picks her phone up from the table and brings up some pictures before giving the phone to him. 'That was at her first birthday.'


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