TWENTY-FIVE: "If I Die Young."

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It has been three weeks. Emma has had to stay in the psyche ward for longer than a week as she was still manifesting concerning behaviour. Now that she's been much calmer and not showing any more concerning behaviour, she is being released. Owen walks onto the psyche floor and to Emma's room. He sees that she's still packing her belongings. 

'Hi.' Owen sniffles. Emma turns around and smiles. 

'Hey.' Emma grins. 'You got a cold?' 

'Yeah.' Owen nods. 'I've been called into work so you're going to have to sit in the attending's lounge.'

'Can't I just go home?' Emma questions and Owen hesitates. 'You don't trust me.' She realises. 'I get it.' Owen walks up to her and puts his hands on her upper arms. 

'I just don't want to lose you.' He pulls her into him and kisses the top of her head.

'No offence, dad.' Emma steps back. 'But I really don't want to catch your cold.' Owen laughs and helps her finish packing. After ten minutes, they are ready to leave. 

'Come on.' Owen picks up her bag. 'Let's go.' They walk out to the nurse's station and Owen signs her out.


A couple of hours later, Owen is walking into an OR. He has a cannula in his arm as he has just finished a bag of saline to keep him hydrated. DeLuca, Levi and some nurses are standing around waiting for him.

'Dr Hunt, are you sure you should be doing surgery in your condition?' Levi queries. 

'I'm fine to do surgery.' Owen nods, more aggressively than he intended. 'I'm still standing, aren't I? Put the patient under.' The anesthesiologist puts the propofol and sux through the IV port. He runs his fingers down the tube but it leads to Owen's IV instead. Owen looks between the IV and the anesthesiologist.

'I am so sorry.' The anesthesiologist apologises.

'Okay, everybody, stop! Listen to me.' Owen gets everyone's attention. 'The propofol and sux have just been accidentally injected into my IV, which means I have about 30 seconds until I will be paralyzed.' He adds. 'So let's page the chief. DeLuca, start the surgery, stat. Uh, I'm gonna need somebody to put a tube in me, because once I am down, I'm gonna lose my airway, and if I can't breathe, then I will die and we don't want to put Em through that. I'd also appreciate it if somebody could help me by breaking my fa-' Before anyone can grab him, he falls to the floor, unconscious.


Dani is walking through the corridors of Grey-Sloan when she sees Owen being rushed into a room by Levi and some nurses.

'Dr Hunt?!' Dani exclaims, following 'What happened?' She looks at Levi.

'He was injected with propofol and sux.' Levi tells her. 'The medication we use to put a patient under for surgery.'

'Has anyone told Emma?' Dani asks.

'Not yet.' Levi shakes his head. 'Dr Shepherd knows, though, so I can only assume she's going to tell Emma.'

'I'll go help find her.' Dani nods before walking out the room. As she does, she bumps into Amelia.

'Hey.' Amelia smiles. 'You looking for Emma?'

'Yeah.' Dani nods.

'You can help me find her then. I have no idea where she is.'


It has been fifteen minutes, Dani and Amelia have had no luck finding Emma. They both meet in the hospital café.

'Did she not go home?' Dani asks Amelia.

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