SIX: "Chasing Cars"

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A few minutes later, Betty, who was knocked unconscious, starts to come to. She slowly sits up. 

'Emma!' She coughs.  She stands up and starts looking for Emma. She finds her lying on the floor, unconscious, pinned under a ceiling beam with a cut on the head. She tries to lift the beam but it's too heavy so she tries to coax Emma awake. 'Goddamnit, Emma! Wake up!' Just then, firefighters from Station 19 start to file in to start the search and rescue. Andy Herrera and Victoria Hughes start to evacuate those that can walk out. Dean Miller and Maya Bishop start checking for anyone trapped or unable to walk. Jack Gibson, Travis Montgomery and Ben Warren see Betty and make their way over to her. Travis kneels down behind Emma's head and supports it. Ben kneels down beside Emma and starts to examine. 

'We've got to get you out of here-?' Jack starts.

'Betty.' She finishes. 'And I'm not leaving her.' Betty shakes her head. 

'This building could collapse at any moment.' Jack tells her. 'Herrera!' Jack shouts. Andy walks over to them. 'We'll get your friend out. What's her name?' 

'It's Emma.' Ben sighs, recognising the young girl. 'Owen Hunt's daughter.' Jack looks at Betty for confirmation. 

'It is.' Betty nods. 'We were here with her gran. She went to the café down the hall.'

'The blast radius didn't go out that far.' Andy shakes her head. 'She's probably outside worrying. Why don't we both go out together and I can explain to her what's going on.' 

'Fine.' Betty sighs. She follows Andy out. Jack kneels down on the other side of Emma just as she starts to come around. 

'Emma, can you hear me?' Ben asks. 

'Betty?' Emma replies, groggy. 

'Betty's outside. She's safe.' Jack reassures her. 

'Emma, it's Ben Warren. Do you remember me?' Ben questions.

'It's been three years, Ben, not thirty. Of course, I remember you.' Emma smiles slightly. 

'Emma, I'm Jack, the person holding your head is Travis.' Jack tells Emma. 'We're going to get you out of here.' 

'I'm guessing now would be the right time to tell you that there's something stuck inside of me.' Emma says. 'I can feel something stuck inside of me.' Ben, Jack and Travis all exchange a look. 'I know that look. Just get this thing off of me and whatever is stuck inside of me out. Otherwise, I'm going to either die by being crushed by more debris falling on me or I'm going to bleed out right here.' 

'It will hurt, Emma, but it's the best way to get you out of here alive and to the hospital.' Ben nods. Jack grabs his radio and radios for the equipment that they'll need. 'We need to do this now, though. So you need to remain completely still.' Jack and Ben prepare to get the ceiling beam off of Emma. 'We're going to lift on three. One. Two. Three.' Jack and Ben lift the beam. Emma screams out in pain. 


At the Grey-Sloan Breezeway, Owen is waiting impatiently for Emma to arrive. He's wearing a trauma gown and gloves. Webber walks out to him. 

'Owen, you know you can't treat Emma.' Webber says. 'Grey and Karev are on their way down.'

'I need to be here for her when she gets here.' Owen looks at Webber. 'She's been through so much recently. She needs me to be with her.' Meredith and Alex rush outside, gowned and gloved, just as the ambulance pulls up. The doors open and Travis and Ben jump out followed by Betty. As Travis and Ben are getting Emma out of the ambulance, Meredith and Alex run over to them and they start the handover whilst Owen walks over to Betty and Evelyn. 'Are you two okay?' 

'We're fine.' Evelyn assures him. 'I wasn't within the blast radius.' 

'I was knocked out but I was cleared at the scene.' Betty tells him. 'Emma pushed me down, she knew that there was a bomb.' 

'How?' Owen questions. 

'We heard a fast beeping sound.' Betty replies. 'She yelled for everyone to get down and pushed me down at the same time.' Owen looks back and sees Emma being taken into the ED. 

'Go.' Evelyn says. Owen looks back at them. 'Be with your daughter. I'll take Betty to the cafeteria and get her something to eat.' 

'Thanks, mom.' Owen nods. He turns around, runs into the ED and to the trauma room that Emma is in.  Meredith and Alex are completing the primary survey. There's a rebar sticking out of her abdomen. 'Why haven't you take the rebar out yet?' Meredith, Ben, Travis and Alex look at him.

'We decided to leave it in so that it could be removed in a more controlled environment. Her BP was way too low.' Travis tells him. 

'We're going to have to remove it in surgery.' Alex adds. He then looks at Travis and Ben. 'Can you cut the rebar down so we can get her into the CT?' 

'We can do that.' Travis nods. 


Half an hour later, Owen is sat in the surgical floor waiting room with Evelyn and Betty. Amelia walks up to them. 

'Emma has been taken into surgery.' She tells them. 'Her head scans were clear but the rebar is in her liver. She also has some internal crush injuries but there's too much blood to tell exactly what.' She sits next to Owen and holds his hand. 'Meredith says to expect her to be in surgery for a couple of hours.' Amelia's pager goes off and she looks at it. 'I've got to go. I'll get someone to keep you updated.' She gets up and runs off.

Amelia runs into the OR Emma is in. She sees the portable CT scan doing a scan of Emma's head.

'What happened?' She asks. Alex walks up to her.

'Right pupil's blown.' Alex tells her. He knows what Amelia is about to say. 'I know.' He nods. 'Head CT was clear.'

'Scans are up!' Meredith shouts. 'And holy crap!' Alex and Amelia look at the scans.

'Massive subdural.' Amelia sighs. 'She needs a craniotomy. I'll scrub in.' She rushes to the scrub room, grabs a scrub cap, puts it, puts on the surgical mask and starts to wash her hands whilst the CT technicians take the CT machine out and some of the nurses prep for the craniotomy. Alex and Meredith work on getting Emma stable so that they can put her in the correct position for the procedure. Once Amelia has washed her hands, she walks back into the OR and the nurses put her gown and gloves on. She walks to behind Emma's head and picks up a scalpel. 'It's a beautiful day to save lives.'


What do you think? Will Emma make it? Leave your thoughts down below!

Also, updates will be getting slower over the coming months due to school. I'm writing a bit here and there when I have some spare time like at night or when I'm going somewhere etc. I'll try and update at least one a week!

Hope you enjoyed!

Much love

Chloe Xo

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