NINETEEN: "Stand By You."

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It has been just over a month. Emma has completed her rehab whilst in the hospital. Whilst it isn't advised, it has worked for her. She has been healing well from her surgery and today, she's being discharged. Owen walks into Emma's room and sees her sitting on the edge of the bed, ready to go. 

'You're desperate to get out of here, then, huh?' Owen laughs. 

'You have no idea.' Emma laughs back. Owen sits on the bed next to her. 'I feel different.' Emma tells him. 'I don't feel any anger or any need to go out and party.' 

'That's good.' Owen nods. He puts his arm around her and brings her in for a hug. She rests her head on his shoulder. 

'Now I have to get myself out of this mess with the guys back in D.C and Elias Stirling.' Emma sighs. Owen stays silent. 'What is it?'

'Nothing.' Owen shakes his head. Emma sits up and looks at him. 

'No, it's not "nothing".' Emma states. 'What is it?' 

'Elias Stirling has put a bounty on your head.' Owen states. 'Ryan told me this morning.' 

'What?!' Emma exclaims.

'Apparently, he found out that you were working with the police that night. PD only got word of the bounty last night. I don't know how.' Owen exclaims. 'You're going into protective custody with Ryan until this whole thing blows over.' 

'What do you mean? Going into protective custody with Ryan?' Emma asks.

'With Elias in the bureau, he will be able to find out in an instant where you are. So, instead, you will be staying with Ryan. I've already taken some of your things there.' Owen replies. 'He'll be here to pick you up in a couple of hours so until then, you can sit in the attendings lounge.' A tear drops from Emma's eye. 'Hey.' He wipes the tear away with his thumb. 'It's going to be okay. The FBI and PD have already got a task force tracking Elias down and getting this ring shut down. We will call and facetime every day. Okay?' Emma nods. 'Come here.' He extends his arms. Emma wraps her arms around him and squeezes him. 'Okay, Em. That's too tight.' Owen gasps for air. Emma lets go of him and wipes the tears from her eyes. 

'I love you, dad.' She smiles. Owen puts his hand on her shoulder. 

'I love you too, Em.' 


It has been a couple of hours. Emma is in the attendings lounge reading Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian when Owen and Ryan walk in. 

'Hey, Em.' Ryan smiles. Emma looks up. 

'Hey.' She sighs. She puts her bookmark in her book (because people who dog-ear pages are the literal devil incarnate), closes the book and puts it down. 

'Are you ready?' Owen asks. 

'Yeah.' Emma nods. She stands up, puts her book in her bag and puts her coat on. She picks up her bag and walks over to them. 

'I'll take your bag.' Ryan tells her. Emma hands him her bag. 'I'll give you two a few minutes. I'll be outside.' He walks out and closes the door. 

'Listen to Ryan. Do what he tells you.' Owen says. 'Remember that whatever he's doing, he's doing it to keep you safe.' Emma nods, Emma starts to cry. 'I'll call you every day.' Emma stops herself from breaking down crying. 'Nothing is going to happen to you, Em.' He reassures her. 'Ryan will make sure of that.' 

'You don't know these guys, dad.' Emma shakes her head. 'If they want me dead, they will find a way to kill me. When they're at this stage, there's no going back.' Owen puts his hands on both of her shoulders. Emma looks down. 

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