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Maggie P.O.V.

“Merh...” I groaned the sun was coming through the blinds hitting my face.  I checked the time on my phone, 9:45, I sighed and rolled over trying to go back to sleep.

“Wakey, wakey sleepy one” Brendon crooned as he came over to my bed. He tousled my hair knowing I hated it when he did that. I swatted his hand away and he laughed. “Come on sleepy! You still have to pack!”

Great, I thought to myself, I was going to London in two days and I hadn’t done any shopping, let alone packing. When my family and I had lived in Europe, we lived in France first then moved to London and lived with my mother’s old college roommate. She had invited us to stay the summer but my parents gave me their tickets and told me to invite Lissy and Brendon. It was only for about two weeks so we still had time to enjoy summer in NYC.

“It’s a SATURDAY!” I bit out and covered my head with my pillow. Brendon went to the end of my bed and tugged my ankles. I sighed and rolled out of bed onto the floor. I trudged into the kitchen and was greeted by a grumpy and very hung-over Lissy staring at her coffee in front of her. He gave me a look that said speak-and-die. No problem there.

            Around twelve we were all sobered up enough to go shopping. Brendon never likes to leave thing until the last minute so he makes us shop and pack at least a day in advance. I guess that was good because the flight was at 2:30 on a Monday morning. After about three hours of shopping, Lissy had bought the most stuff and we all crashed in the food court.

            “So Lis, you excited for all the British boys?” I asked and winked. Lissy’s last boyfriend had been British and she had vowed to never date an English boy again. She rolled her eyes at me.

            “Laugh at me when I'm not still hung-over,” she growled and I laughed. She could get drunk so easily.

            “Speaking of,” Brendon looked at me like a child at Christmas. “Who was the boy you charmed last night?” he wiggled his eyebrows.

            “Which one,” I muttered half to myself. Shit, I covered my mouth hoping he hadn’t heard me. Of course he had and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

            “There was more than one?!” he practically shouted and I blushed. “Details, now.”

            “Well I bumped into this guy Harry and he spilled his drink on me. We got to talking but he had to leave because he was late for something, I don’t know what for at 2 am but he gave me his number. He had the most amazing green eyes and dark curly hair.” I smiled at the memory. “He also had a slight accent, British I think.” Lissy groaned.

            “Really? You think you’ll see him again?” Lissy asked but was shushed by Brendon before I could finish.

            “Continue,” he told me and they both looked at me intently, waiting for the rest of the story, I blushed and continued.

            “Well when he left I was walking back to find you two and bumped into Louis,” I began

            “Ah the second cutie” Brendon said with a wink.

            I laughed. “Yeah, well my phone fell and the screen cracked and he danced with me and bought me a drink as an apology.” I could’ve really cared less about the phone at the moment but it reminded me that I had to pick up a new one before we went to London. “He looked at me differently than Harry had and his blue eyes seemed more open and happy than Harry’s flirtatious ones. He also had a British accent and when you came over he had also had to leave because he was late.” I concluded with a sigh.

            “Maybe they knew each other!” Lissy exclaimed like she had come up with the idea all on her own. I nodded back.

            “No duh Einstein,” I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know.”

            “Well do they live in New York? Maybe you will see them again.” Brendon asked.

            “No Harry said he was on holiday, and if Louis knows him then I don’t think I’ll see either of them for a while.” I sighed looking at the floor; it would be nice to see them again, I thought to myself silently. We grabbed our bags and grabbed a cab back to our apartment exhausted.

Hurray! filler chapters! vote comment and keep reading! <3 its summer so i hope to have a new chapt up every day or so... it will get better i promise!

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