Malls and Rides

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              “Hey,” I blushed. I quickly stood up but slipped again. He caught me and held me up by my forearms. I giggled at myself and finally stood up on my own and he walked back with me to the table where Brendon and Lissy were waiting.

            “Hey guys, I think you know Louis by now.” I said introducing him to my gaping friends. “Louis, this is Brendon and Lissy,” He shuck Brendon’s hand and gave Lissy a quick and friendly hug. They both looked like they were going to pass out.

            “I love your music!” Lissy gushed while Brendon looked like he couldn’t even speak. He laughed and smiled, always friendly.

            ‘Thanks, we really do love our fans, in fact,” he said with a mischievous smile. “How would you all like to meet them, I'm sure they’re around here somewhere.” He looked around and focused on a music store in the corner. Lissy and Brendon nodded like crazy and he led us into the small shop.

            “Niall, he’ll be back with your food soon!” I heard one of the guys say, Zayn?

            “But I'm hungry now!” The Irish boy complained. I laughed and four heads whipped around to face us. I saw Harry and immediately smiled, he smiled back.

“Hey guys, look who can’t stop falling all over me,” he said acting out me falling, I blushed.

            “Not true, this time I slipped.” I smirked and eared five gorgeous laughs, I could get used to this.

            “You’re One Direction!” Brendon screamed from beside me, boy that boy could be gay. Oh well, at least he regained the ability to speak again.

            “Hi, were One Direction,” they chorused then looked around the deserted music store to see if anyone had heard them. Brendon was about to feint.

            “Nice to see you again Maggs, Louis where’s my food?” The boy that must have been Niall asked. Louis handed him over a huge bag of McDonalds; no way that was all for him right? I looked around at the other three boys; I really did like there music but I was no complete fangirl.

            “You must be Zayn and Liam, hi again.” I pointed to each of them. Liam had really cute light brown hair that was cropped short and of course Zayn had his black hair in his quiff again. They were all taller than me but shorter than Brendon. Harry came over and hugged me, my heart fluttered when he did.

            “Hi beautiful,” I would never get tired of him calling me that.

            “Hey,” I smiled back. I looked around at all of them, they were still wearing their hoodies and sunglasses but I could tell who they were now. Harry smiled at Brendon and Lissy behind me and I realized they were just standing there. “Oh sorry guys, everyone this is Brendon and Lissy.” They nodded at everyone.

            “Hey guys, I’m Liam,” he introduced himself. “The hungry one is Niall, the one fixing his hair is Zayn, this curly brat is Harry and I guess you’ve met Louis.”  All the boys smiled in turn when Liam introduced them.

            “Should we head out? What do you guys have planned for today?” Harry asked us.

            “Um, I don’t know we were going to go to the London Eye after this but we can do that later if you guys have something else in mind.” I suggested.

            “No way!” Louis protested. “Besides it’s been forever since I’ve done that, why not, that is if you want us there?”

I'm Already Torn ( A One Direction Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now