Chapter 1

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Note: I do not own the characters to Free!. I also do not own Free!.

Your alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. You got up and got ready for the day. It is your first day at Iwatobi High School. Your family just moved here. You didn't make any friends yet, but you were hoping that you would make some today even though you are a little shy.

You ate your breakfast and said your good byes to your family and left. You opened the door and started to head to school. On the other side of the street few houses away from yours you could see a student that had the same uniform as you.

You weren't sure if you should say something or not. You decided to walk a little faster to see them better. The person has brown hair and was tall. You walked just a little more faster. He has green eyes. You see him turn his head toward you. You look down toward the side walk hoping that he didn't notice you.

"Hello!" you hear. You look across the street and see the boy waving at you with a big smile. You wave back and give him a small smile.

"H-hello!" you say. He looked both ways before crossing the street to get to you.

"You must be the new neighbors." the boy said.

"Yeah." you say and start to walk again.

"I am Tachibana Makoto. You can call me Makoto." Makoto says.

"I am (l/n) (f/n) and you can call me (f/n)." you say.

"(F/n)... So you go to Iwatobi High School?" Makoto asks.

"Yeah today will be my first day." you say.

"You want to walk with me to school if you aren't exactly sure where to go?" Makoto asks.

"Umm... Sure." you say.

"Oh and before we head to school I have to go get my friend Haru." Makoto says.

"Okay." you say. You guys talked and got to know about each other. Makoto asked you to wait a Haru's front door. You decided to sit on on the top step and wait.

You looked at the clock at saw that you were going to be late if you didn't go soon.

'Should I leave him?'

You decided just to wait. You were pretty sure that you wouldn't get in trouble since it was your first day, but you worried for Makoto and his friend Haru.

"Sorry it took so long (f/n)!" Makoto says.

"It is okay." you say with a smile.

"Oh this is Haru." Makoto says showing Haru. He has black hair with blue eye. He is shorter than Makoto and has no expression on his face.

"Hello Haru." you say holding out your hand. He didn't shake it. You put your hand back and looked down.


"And this is (f/n)." Makoto says.

"Well we should go or we will be late." you say. The three of you headed to school.

When you arrive to school...

"Bye Makoto and Haru I have to go to the office." you say.

"Bye (f/n) see you later." Makoto says. You waved to them as they left. You saw Haru say something and Makoto started to freak out and blush. It was a little funny. You went to the office.

"Umm... Hello?" you say walking in the office.

"Hello miss how may I help you?" the office lady said.

"I am new here and today is my first day." you say.

"Hmm... What is your name?" the lady said pulling out some papers.

"(L/n) (f/n)." you say. The lady read some of the papers.

"Here you are! Please follow me." she said. The two of you talked until you got to a room.

"This is your home room and your class already started." she said opening the door. You walk in the class room and every one started to talk. You look around and you see Makoto and Haru. They sat two seats away from each other. You give them a smile.

"Class today we have a new student (l/n) (f/n). I am your teacher Amakata. You can call me Ama-chan." Ama-chan says.

"Hello everyone I am (l/n) (f/ n). I hope we can get along and become friends." you say nervously.

"(F/n) I want you to sit behind Haru. Haru please raise your hand." Ama-chan says. Haru didn't raise his hand, but you already know him. You sat down and Ama-chan gave you your books.

You looked at the covers of the books. They were different from your old schools. Ama-chan started to teach. You started to take notes. A few minutes into class and a note lands on your note book.

A Giving Angel (Makoto Tachibana x reader)Where stories live. Discover now