Chapter 14

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You walk in. Haru's house has decorations all over the place. There are hearts and cupids all over the place.

"Why are there hearts and cupids all over the place?" you say.

"Don't worry about that (f/n). Just follow me." Kou says bringing you to Haru's living room. The room is decorated just like the rest of the house, but there is candles and rise petals all over the place. The table in Haru's living room has plates and cups on it.

"Why are we in here?" you ask.

"Just sit (f/n)." Kou says. You sit down and Makoto sits across from you. Nagisa comes in dressed up and with a mustache on.

"What can I get you two some water?" Nagisa says holding a jug of water.

"Sure." you and Makoto say. Nagisa pours water into the two cups. You thank him. Nagisa leaves and comes back with menus. You read the menu. Their is only one thing. Mackerel.

"Do you know what you want to order?" Nagisa says taking the menus.

"Mackerel?" you say.

"I will have Mackerel as well." Makoto says. Nagisa writes down the orders on a piece of paper the he has.

'There was only one thing on the menu.'

"Your food will be here shortly." Nagisa says before leaving. You turn to Makoto.

"Who planned this?" you say.

"Umm... Gou and Nagisa did." Makoto says.

"So what are Rei and Haru doing?" you say.

"Rei decorated the place and Haru is cooking." Makoto says.

"I thought Haru was sick?" you say.

"He isn't. That was a lie." Makoto says scratching the back of his neck. The door opens and a guy with maroon hair and with red eyes.

"What are you doing Rin?!" Makoto says with a surprised voice.

"I don't know. Gou told me to come and I thought she would be in here. What are you doing and who is that?" Rin says.

"Well this is kinda a date and this is (f/n). (f/n) this is Rin." Makoto says. Kou comes in.

"Why are you here?!" Kou says.

"You are the one who told me to come!" Rin says.

"I told you to come at nine not now!" Kou says.

"What ever I am leaving." Rin says leaving.

"Wait!" Kou says running after Rin.

"So who was that again?" you say.

"That is Rin. He swims as well." Makoto says.

"So is he part of this date?" you say.

"I don't know. Nagisa and Kou said that they would handle everything." Makoto says. You took a sip of your water.

"Sorry for the wait!" Nagisa says running in with the food. He trips on his own foot and drops everything on you.

"(f/n)... Are you okay?" Makoto says giving you his napkin.

"I am so sorry (f/n)! I will be right back!" Nagisa says running out.

"Was I am fine. I just smell like mackerel." you say wiping your face. Nagisa comes back with Rei.

"What did you do Nagisa!" Rei says cleaning up.

"I tripped." Nagisa says scratching the back of his neck.

"But look at (f/n)! She is covered in mackerel!" Rei says.

"(F/n) come with me." Nagisa says taking your hand and dragging you to the restroom.

"Why are we here?" you ask.

"I asked Gou to get you some clothes." Nagisa says.

"Can I have a towel?" you ask. Nagisa hands you a towel. You wipe off most of the mackerel.

"(F/n) I got you some clothes!" Kou says running up to you guys.

"Thanks." you say closing the door. You change quickly, but you still smell like mackerel. You get out.

"Haru-chan do you have anything that would make (f/n) smell good again!" Nagisa yells. Haru comes with a bottle of air refresher.

"Why do you need this?" Haru asks.

"Because (f/n) smells like mackerel." Nagisa says. Haru walks up to you and smells you.

"(F/n) smells perfectly fine." Haru says.

"Thanks Haru, but I don't want to smell like this." you say. Haru looks sad. "How about I give you a hug so that you can smell like mackerel." you say holding your arms out. Haru gives you a hug.

"Close your eyes and mouth (f/n)!" Nagisa says holding pointing the bottle toward you. He sprays you. "Done (f/n)!" Nagisa says. You open your eyes and smell yourself.

'I smell like vanilla.'

"Thanks Nagisa!" you say. You go back to Makoto.

"You will have to wait for your food again." Nagisa says.

"Do we have to eat mackerel?" you ask.

"I will check." Nagisa says running out.

"You know Haru-chan might get mad." Makoto says.

"I am sure he is happy because he smells like mackerel right now." you say.

"He does! What happened?!" Makoto says in panic.

"Before we got rid of the mackerel smell I hugged Haru." you say.

"Oh." Makoto says.

"You guys can have chocolate ice cream instead of mackerel." Nagisa says.

"Sure." you say.

"Yeah!" Makoto says.

"Okay give me a few minutes." Nagisa says before running out. Nagisa comes back not long after and gives you a big bowl of chocolate ice cream.

"This is big." you say.

"Well I thought you would like a big bowl since all you are eating is ice cream." Nagisa says.

"Oh... Well thank you Nagisa!" you say.

"Your welcome!" Nagisa says before leaving. You and Makoto eat your ice cream in silents.

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