Chapter 10

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You got your ice cream and sat at a table.

"How is school (f/n)?" Makoto's mom asked.

"Good." you say. It went quite again.

"Do you know what you want to do when you are out of high school (f/n)?" Makoto's dad says.

"No." you say.

"Are you planning to go to college?" Makoto's mom asks.

"Um... Yes." you say.

"That's good." Makoto's mom says.

"Don't you have a little brother and sister?" Makoto's dad says.

"Yeah." you say.

"They should come over our house sometime." Makoto's mom says.

"Yeah maybe this weekend?" you say.

"Yeah they can come over this weekend." Makoto's mom says. Ren and Ran both cheer.

"Looks like Ren and Ran are excited." Makoto says.

"Are your brother and sister nice or mean?" Ren asks.

"I would say that they are nice." you say.

"That's good!" Ran says. You talked about your brother and sister until you all ate your ice cream. Makoto's parents drove home and walked you home.

"Do you mind if we talk to your parents?" Makoto's dad says.

"No." you say. Your said bye to Makoto, Ren, and Ran. You unlocked the door to your house and got your parents. After you got your parents you went to bed.

Your alarm went off as always. You did your morning routine and now you are waiting for Makoto. There is a knock on your door.

"Bye everyone!" you say as you open the door.

"Good morning (f/n)!" Makoto says with a big smile.

'Why is he so happy?'

"Good morning Makoto." you say.

"What did my parents tell your parents?" Makoto says.

"I don't know I was sleeping." you say.

"Are you also coming this weekend?" Makoto asks.

"Yeah. Why would I not come?" you say.

"I don't know." Makoto says. You got Haru and walked to school.

"For the next two weeks we will be working in groups of three." Ama-chan says.

"Do we get to pick the groups?" a boy yells.

"Yes and raise your hand next time," Ama-chan says. "Any other questions?" A girl raises her hand.

"What will we be working on?" she says.

"You will be working on a marble run." Ama-chan says. There were no other questions. After she was done you got into your groups. Your group is Makoto, Haru, and yourself.

"So what are we going to do for marble run?" you ask.

"How about we have five drops.
." Makoto says. You write that down. You look at Haru and see that he is writing down a lot of stuff.

"Anything else?" you say. Haru holds up his paper.

"How about this?" Haru says. You start to read it and it was really good.

"Yeah." you say.

"What about my idea!" Makoto says.

"You should read Haru's idea." you say. Makoto takes the paper and starts to read it.

"We are doing this." Makoto says.

"So who is who on the play." you say.

"(F/n) you are working on section number three, Makoto you are working on section number one, and I am working on section number two." Haru says.

"I will go make copies of this," you say getting up. You make copies of the skit and go back. When you get back to the class room Haru is saying something and Makoto's face is getting red. "One for you, One for you, and one for me." you say handing the papers out.

"We should look over our section and see what we need." Makoto says. You and Haru both nod and start to read. You fell like someone is watching you. You look up and see that Makoto is.

'Did I do something? Maybe he is thinking of the accident that happened this weekend!'

He looks back down and you realize that you are staring now. You look back down at your paper and try to look over your section.

A Giving Angel (Makoto Tachibana x reader)Where stories live. Discover now