Chapter 22

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You wake up and see that Makoto is not in the tent. You get up and see if the others are in there tents.

"Where did they go?" you say to yourself. You go to the hotel to see if Ama-chan and Kou know where the guys went. The hotel employee said that you would have to wait until they got out of their room. You find a seat and grab a magazine.

"(F/n) what are you doing here?" Kou says. You put your magazine down and get up.

"The guys aren't in their tents and I was wondering if you knew where they where," you say. Ama-chan and Kou look at each other worried.

"We don't know where they are," Ama-chan says.

"What!? Then where are they?" you say worried.

"I don't know! Maybe we should look around the beach and see if we find them," Ama-chan says. The three of you run to the beach and when you get there the guys are sleeping on the sand.

"What are they doing?" Kou says.

"I thought that they where lost," Ama-chan says.

"I thought that they where lost too," you say.

"Hey! Wake up! Time to swim!" Kou says walking over to them.

"Gou let us sleep in! We just swam..." Nagisa says going back to sleep.

"What do you mean?" Kou says.

"We will tell you when we wake up..." Rei says also going back to sleep.

"Why are they all wet?" Ama-chan says walking over.

"I don't know," you say. The three of you get some breakfast and walk back to the tents.

"I'm hungry..." Nagisa says getting up.

"Nagisa do you want some breakfast?"

Ama-chan asks.

"Yes!" Nagisa says getting up. Ama-chan hands him a apple. "That's it?!"

"You need to eat healthy and it is your fault for waking up earlier," Ama-chan says.

"That isn't fair!" Nagisa says walking away. The others start to wake up. Ama-chan gives them all apples.

Time skip...

The guys went off to swim to the other islands. Right now you are reading the book Rei gave you.

"(F/n) do you want to go shopping?!" Kou says running over with Ama-chan.

"Sure!" you say putting away the book.

"What store do you want to go to?" Kou says.

"I am not sure," you say.

"How about we buy cute swim suits!" Kou says.

"But (f/n) can't swim," Ama-chan says.

"That doesn't mean that she can't wear a swim suit!" Kou says.

"I guess that is true," Ama-chan says.

"Then let's go!" Kou says dragging the two of you. She takes you to a small store. You look around and find a cute swim suit that is (favorite color). You go to buy it. "(f/n) did you find one?" Kou says walking over.

"Yeah," you say showing her.

"It so cute!" Kou says with a smile.

"You think?" you say.

"Makoto would love it!" Kou says. You blush a little. "(f/n) what's wrong?"

"Nothing I am just surprised you would say that," you say. Kou laughs a little.

"Did you guys find anything?" Ama-chan says coming over with a bag.

"Yeah, but I have to still buy it," you say holding up the swim suit.

"That is adorable!" Ama-chan says.

"Did you get a swim suit?" Kou says.

"Of course not! Why would I buy one? I don't need one!" Ama-chain says walking away.

"What's up with her?" you say.

"I will tell you later. We should buy your swim suit first," Kou says. The two of you buy the swim suit and head back to the tents.

"(F/n) you should change into your new swim suit! The guys will be back anything now!" Kou says pushing you.

"O-okay," you say walking away. When you get back the guys are back. Everyone looks at you.

"(F/n) I like your swim suit!" Nagisa says.

"Thanks Nagisa," you say.

"I thought you couldn't swim," Haru says.

"She can still wear a swim suit!" Kou says. You have marshmallows for dinner.

"I don't think I will feel well tomorrow," Rei says.

"I hope you feel better Rei-chan!" Nagisa says jumping on Rei.

"I am going to change," you say getting up.

"(F/n) it is too dark right. You should change in your tent," Ama-chan says. You go into your tent and change quickly. It is a little hard since you forgot to bring a flashlight. Your clothes don't feel right. They are to big. You get out of the tent.

"(F/n) what are you wearing? Those clothes are to big for you," Rei says.

"I think they are to big, but these are the only ones I could find," you say.

"(F/n)!" Makoto says. His face starts to get red.

"What?" you say confused.

"Those... Are my c-clothes," Makoto says nervously. Your face heats up.

"Why where they on my side of the tent!?" you say.

"You two are sharing a tent!" Ama-chan yells.

"You didn't know?!" you say.

"I didn't put them there!" Makoto says.

"Wait what?!" you say.

"You know you two could get into a lot of trouble!" Ama-chan says.

"What?!" you say.

"It is Nagisa's fault! He is the one who set up everything!" Rei says.

"Don't blame me Rei-chan!" Nagisa says clinging to Rei. All of you yell until a office comes to tell you that you are waking up everyone in the hotels. You switch tents with Nagisa. It takes you a while, but you fall asleep eventually.

After the trip...

You wake up and get ready for school. Makoto gets you as usually and you walk with him and Haru to school.

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