Chapter 24

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A few years later...

Makoto is coming back form Tokyo. You were having a welcome back party today. Right now you are cleaning your house. You and Makoto were have a long distance relationship. Your door bell rings. You open the door and see Rei and Nagisa.

"(F/n)!" Nagsia says giving you a hug.

"Hello Nagisa and Rei," you say.

"Sorry we are a little early. Nagisa really wanted to see you," Rei says.

"That's okay," you say closeting the door.

"(F/n) isn't it exciting that Makoto is coming home today!" Nagisa says jumping on your couch.

"Yeah," you say.

"Your place is very nice," Nagisa says poking your lamp.

"Thanks," you say fixing a pillow that Nagisa missed up.

"Nagisa stop that! You are going to break (f/n)'s lamp!" Rei says grabbing Nagisa's hand. The door bell rings again.

"I will get it," you say opening the door.

"Hello (f/n)!" Kou says giving you a hug.

"Hello Kou, Rin, Sousuke, Aiichiro, and Momotarou!" you say closeting the door behind them.

"Where's Haru?" Rin says.

"He isn't here yet," you say. Your door bell rings again. "I bet that's him," you say going to the door. You open the door and Haru is their holding the cake.

"Welcome Haru!" you say.

"Hello (f/n). Am I late?" Haru says walking in.

"No everyone is early," you say closeting the door. "You can put the cake on the kitchen table."

"We have cake!" Nagisa says jumping up.

"Sit down Nagisa!" Rei says grabbing Nagisa.

A hour later...

Your door bell rings. You tell everyone to hide. You open the door and see Makoto's family, your family, and Makoto.

"Welcome every one!" you say opening the door more.

"It has been a while!" Makoto's mom says hugging you.

"(F/n) I missed you!" Makoto says giving you a hug.

"Me too!" you say moving, so that everyone can get into your house.

"Surprise!" every says jumping up. Makoto screams. You and Makoto start to laugh.

"You planned a surprise party?" Makoto says. You nod. Makoto hugs you again. "Thank you (f/n)."

"Your welcome," you say.

"Let's get this party started!" Momtarou says. You go into the kitchen and help Haru with the food.

A little while later...

Makoto claps his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Go ahead honey!" Makoto's mom says holding a camera. You look at Makoto confused.

"(F/n) I would like to ask you something," Makoto says grabbing your hand and kneeling. You nod. You feel your face heat up a little.

"(F/n) would you marry me?" Makoto says pulling out a ring from his pocket. You feel tears building up in your eyes.

"Yes Makoto I will!" you say hugging him. Nagisa joins the hug.

"You two are getting married!" Nagisa yells. He gets off you and Makoto.

"My little girl is growing up!" your dad says hugging you. Ren and Ran join the hug.

"(F/n) will be our big sister?" Ren says looking up at you.

"Yeah Ren (f/n) is going to be your big sister," Makoto says with a big smile.

"So Makoto will be our big brother?" your younger sister says. You nod. Your siblings and Makoto siblings start to dance sound the two of you.

After the party...

Every one left except Makoto. "Makoto where are you staying?" you say.

"I got your parents and my parents permission to stay at your house," Makoto says kissing you.

"Wait I only have one bed room," you say. You start to blush.

"Then it looks like we will be sharing the same bed room," Makoto says kissing you again.

"But-," you start to say, but Makoto cuts you.

"We are getting married right?" Makoto says grabbing both of your hands. You nod. "Then what is wrong with us sharing a bed room? We would be when we are married. And anyways it is not like I will do anything without your permission," Makoto says with a smile.

"What do you mean?" you say nervously.

"Some fun," Makoto says.

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