Chapter 8

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You woke up slowly. When you opened your eyes you saw that you were sleeping on a bed! Ren and Ran were hugging you, but their was another arm around your waist. You turn your head and you see Makoto still sleeping.

'What happened last night?!'

You tried to move, but you almost woke Ren and Ran, so you just laid there and waited.

"(F/n)... Sleep." Makoto says.

"Makoto?" you say not sure if he was awake or not. He didn't respond.

'Makoto sleep talks I guess.'

You looked around for a clock to see the time, but you couldn't find one. You started to get sleepy again. Ren kicked your leg and now you were wide awake.

'Should I wake them up?'

Your stomach made some noises. You realized that you didn't eat dinner. You might not even have breakfast.

"(F/n) are you awake?" Makoto ask. You turn your head to see him and his eyes are open.

"Yeah." you say.

"Are you hungry?" Makoto says.

"Yeah. Did my stomach wake you?" you say.

"Kind of." Makoto says getting up.

"Sorry." you say. You slowly get out of bed. You go to the kitchen and see that Makoto is cooking something.

"What are cooking?" you ask.

"Toast and eggs." Makoto says.

"Do you need any help?" you ask.

"No, everything almost done." Makoto says.

"Why were we sleeping in your bed?" Ren says walking in with Ran.

"I see that you two are awake." Makoto says.

"Why were we sleeping in your bed?" you ask.

"Because you guys were sleeping on the couch and that did not look comfortable, so I moved you guys to my bed." Makoto says putting plates on the table.

"It was comfortable. (f/n) was like a big pillow." Ran says.

'A pillow?'

You laugh a little.

"What is funny?" Makoto says.

"I thought it is funny that Ren and Ran used me as a pillow." you say.

"A big, warm, and soft pillow!" Ren says. You start to laugh a little harder.

"Yeah! and you smelled good!" Ran says.

"Thanks." you say trying not to laugh any more.

"Breakfast is done!" Makoto says putting toast and eggs in the plates. You sat down next to Ren and Ran.

"(F/n) can we play some more games before you leave?" Ran says.

"Sure." you say.

"What time did you guys go to bed?" Makoto asks.

'Oh no..."

"Uh... 8:30." you say.

"But (f/n) you said..." Ran started to say, but you cut Ran off.

"I said that we needed to go to bed fast or the bed monsters would get us." you say quickly. Ren and Ran give you a confused look.

"That is good. It is hard to get them to go to bed." Makoto says.

"Really?" you say.

'They must of been really tired.'

All of you finish breakfast and start to play tag. You were it again. You tagged Ran and she got Makoto. Makoto got you and then you looked for Ren and Ran, but you couldn't find them.

"Ren, Ran!" you yell. Makoto helped you find them. You could not tag him since he tagged you.

"BOO!" Ren and Ran say jumping out if the closet that you were about to open. You and Makoto both jump and scream. You both end up in each other's arms.

"Why do you guys like to scare people?" you say catching your breath.

"Because it is funny!" Ren and Ran say laughing.

"(F/n) you should start getting ready to go." Makoto says checking the time.

"Okay." you say going to get ready. You get your stuff together and clean up.

"Bye everyone!" you say leaving.

"Bye (f/n)!" Makoto, Ren and Ran say. You go to your house to get ready. Once you are done you go back to Makoto's house. You knock on the door. Moments later Ren and Ran open the door.

"(F/n) is back!" they say hugging you.

"Yep, but I will be leaving again." you say walking in. You to their living room to sit on the couch.

"Let's play a game!" Ren says.

"Okay how about rock, paper, scissors?" you say.

"Okay!" they both say. You won all the rounds except for two.

"Is (f/n) here?" Makoto says walking in with a towel on his head.

"Yeah." you say laughing.

"Okay, my parents will be here in ten minutes to get us." Makoto says.

"Okay." you say. You play with Ren, Ran and Makoto until their parents got home.

Ten minutes later...

You all got in the car and drove off to the store. You sat next to Makoto.

"Let's play eye spy!" Ren says.

"Okay." you say.

"(F/n) first!" Ran says.

'They like me going first I guess.'

"Okay I spy something green." you say.

"Onii-chan's eyes!" Ran says.

'Are they going to tease me now?'

"No?" you say.

"The Tree!" Ren says.

"No." you say.

"The grass!" Makoto says.

"Yep." you say.

"I spy something (favorite color)." Makoto says.

"(F/n)'s shirt!" Ran says.

"Yep!" Makoto says. You guys played the game until you got to the store. You are the last one out of the car. The store is huge! You all walked in and Ren and Ran ran off.

"You guys look around we will get Ren and Ran." Makoto's mom says.

"Okay." Makoto and you say.

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