Chapter 20

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"Oh yeah." Makoto says.

"We still have dinner and breakfast." you say.

"Yeah at least we get to eat together." Makoto says. It then turns silent. You get to Makoto's house.

"Bye Makoto see you tomorrow." you say letting go of his hand. Makoto grabs your good hand and pulls you into a hug and kisses you.

"(F/n) I want you to stay a little longer." Makoto says into your ear.

"Makoto..." you say while blushing.

"Please (f/n)." Makoto says laying his head on your shoulder.

"I guess, but what will we do?" you ask. Makoto gets up and starts to drag you away from his house.

"It is a surprise!" Makoto says walking a little faster. Makoto brings you to a park.

"What are we going to do here?" you ask. Makoto smiles.

"Catch me! And if you do you get a prize!" Makoto says running up the slide. You run after him. It takes you about three minutes to catch Makoto.

"What is my prize?" you say catching your breath. Makoto lifts your chin and gives you another kiss. You start to blush a lot more.

"T-that was the prize?" you say while your face got redder by the second.

"Yeah didn't you like it?" Makoto says tilting his head.

"Yes, but I thought the prize was going to be a little different." you say.

"So you don't like my kisses?" Makoto says.

"I do lik-." Makoto cuts you off with another kiss.

"You want some ice cream? I know a great ice cream shop just a few blocks away from here." Makoto says with a big smile. You nod your head. You hold hands to the ice cream shop.

"(F/n) what do you want to order?" Makoto asks.

"Umm...(favorite ice cream)." you say.

"Make that two!" Makoto says. The employee nods and gets you your ice cream.

"You two make a great couple." the employee says while Makoto pays for the ice cream.

"Thank you." both if you say. You leave eating your ice cream and head home.

"(F/n) does your arm get tired?" Makoto asks you.

"No, why?" you say.

"Well you only have one arm that is not broken. I was just wondering." Makoto says.

"Oh okay." you say licking your ice cream.

"(F/n) can I hold your ice cream for you?" Makoto asks. Your face heats up again.

"Why do yo-" Makoto holds his hand out and you hand him your ice cream.

"Better?" Makoto asks. You stand there looking at Makoto's green eyes not sure what to say. Makoto brings the ice cream closer to your lips. "(F/n) you don't want your ice cream to melt now do you?" Makoto says.

You shake you head and you lick your ice cream. Makoto finishes his and looks at you.

"It is going to melt in my hand if you don't eat it faster," Makoto says. You take a bite out of the ice cream. You get a brain freeze. "(F/n) what is wrong?" Makoto asks.

"Brain freeze..." you say closing your eyes. When your brain freeze goes away you open your eyes to see that Makoto is eating your ice cream.

"What are you doing!" you say.

"Helping you eat your ice cream," Makoto says licking it again. "Want some?" Makoto says holding the ice cream in front of you.

"No, I don't want another brain freeze." You say. Makoto finishes your ice cream and holds your hand. You walk up to Makoto's door.

"See you tomorrow." Makoto says letting go of your hand.

"Bye." you say. Before Makoto opens his door you give him a little kiss. Makoto faces starts to get red.

"Good night (f/n)." Makoto says and kisses your forehead before going into his house. You head home and go to sleep.

A Giving Angel (Makoto Tachibana x reader)Where stories live. Discover now