Chapter 12

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"(F/n) have you ever been on a swim team before?" Makoto asks you.

"Yeah for a year, but then we started to move a lot and I couldn't join anything because of my family moving all the time." you say.

"Are you going to move again!?" Makoto says in panic.

"No we aren't planning to move." you say.

"That is good because I would be sad if you left." Makoto says with a little blush. You blush a little too.

'He would be sad if I was gone?'

"Really?" you say.

"Yeah we are friends right?" Makoto says.

"Yeah we are friends and Haru you are my friend." you say. Haru gave you a very small smile.


After a while of building...

"We are done with section one!" Makoto says. The bell rings.

"And we are out of time." you say.

"Leave your stuff here." Ama-chan says. You go to swim practice. Swim practice made you very tired and right now you just want to go to sleep, but you have homework to do.

You slowly do your homework and you are determined not to fall asleep this time. You finally finished your homework.

"I am finally done..." you say to your self and fall into your bed and fall asleep. The rest of the week went by well. You finished one section a day and on Thursday you finished, but now you had to do a report on the marble run. Swim practice made you very tired, but you were always able to finish your home work.

Time skip to Saturday...

You woke up and looked out your window. There were a few small clouds. You went on your phone and checked the weather for today. It said that today would have a few clouds and high temperatures. Today is the perfect day to go to the beach.

You were ready for your picnic with Makoto and Haru. You got your things and said good bye to your family. You left the house. Makoto said to meet him at this fast food place. Right now you are walking to a near bye store to by some things for the beach. You still had a few hours till you had to go.

You opened the door to the store and the cashier greeted you. You were looking for sunscreen and some drinks for the three of you. You walked past each aisle and you see Haru.

"Hey Haru!" you say waving to him. !He looks at you, grabs something, and coughs twice. Then he leaves.


You sigh a little because you thought Haru didn't hate you. You find the sunscreen, grab a couple of drinks and you leave. You head home to make sure you have everything. Your siblings run up to you.

"(F/n) we want to come!" Alice says hugging you.

"No." you say not looking at her.

"But (f/n)." Leo complains.

"I said no. I don't want to watch you guys." You say putting everything in a bag.

"We will be good!" Alice says jumping onto the chair and giving you puppy dog eyes.

"No is no," you say looking away. They gave up and walked away. "Maybe I can take you some other time." you say.

"Really!" they both say.

"Yep, but not today." you say. You pick up your bag and get into the car. Your mom drives you to the fast food restaurant and leaves. You go inside to see if Makoto or Haru are here yet. You see Makoto and he is waving to you.

"Hey (f/n)." Makotor says.

"Hey Makoto where is Haru?" you ask looking around.

"Oh he is not feeling well today." Makoto says scratching the back of his neck.

'Wait... I just say him and doesn't he love water? Is Makoto lying to me?'

"Poor Haru." you say.

"Yeah we should be going." Makoto says opening the door for you.

"Okay." you say walking out.

"So what did you bring?" Makoto asks.

"Some sunscreen and drinks." you say looking at your bag.

"I forgot sunscreen! Good thing you brought some." Makoto says.

"Yeah good thing." you say. Makoto and you walk over to the beach and he already has a spot set up for you guys. Makoto sits down.

"Sit (f/n)." Makoto says with a smile.

"Okay." you say sitting across from him. A phone starts to go off. You both look at your phones and it is Makoto's that is going off.

"Who could this be?" Makoto says to himself. "(f/n) can you give me a second?" You nod and Makoto walks off. You decide to go get your swim suit on. You get up and leave. You quickly get changes and head back. Makoto runs up to you.

"(F/n) I thought someone took you." Makoto says giving you a hug. You blush a little.

"No one took me I just went to change." you say. Makoto looks at what you are wearing. He blushes a little.

"You got a new swim suit!" Makoto says.

"Yeah I went shopping the other day." you say. You are wearing a (favorite color) bikini with white spots.

"I should get change since you are." Makoto says grabbing his bag. You sit and wait again. It doesn't take that long for Makoto to come back. He has a swimsuit that goes up to his knees and it is all green.

"Are we going to go swimming first?" you ask. Makoto smiles a little.

"Yep." Makoto says grabbing your hand and runs in with you into the water.

"It is little cold." you say putting your arms around yourself.

"It won't be if you go under water." Makoto says going under water. You fell fingers on your ribs and they start to tickle you. You start to laugh. Makoto comes back and starts to laugh.

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