Ch.1 Postive or Negative ?

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I dialed my mom number,she finally answer on the second ring.

"Honey are you okay,its late and you're not home from the football game? Do you need me to pick you up?"My mother said with concerned.

"Mom, I'm fine stop being so overprotective but I called you to tell you that I will be home soon I just Um .. Uhh I-I'll be there soon,don't worry o-okay mom." I stuttered.

"You're stuttering that means something wrong honey or are you nervous about something?" My mom said knowing me so well.

"No, mom I'm just u-uh cc-cold I forgot to bring a jacket,I'll be home in a bit, bye mom." I lied to her, I hate lying to her when I'm usually so close to her and tell her everything.

"O-okay hon-"I hang up on her before she said anything else .

I threw my jacket into the bushes so she won't know I lied. I started to giggle out of nowhere,but as I walk into a drug store I look for a pregnancy test box. I head to the healthcare asile and I feel like my knees are going to give up on me. I honestly can not believe I'm about to take this test.

As I'm walking to the cashier everything seem so dizzy to me that I'm never going to reach to the cashier. Kept zoning out and felt like I kept getting further from the cashier.

"Ha must be having a little brother or sister? " The elderly lady said with a smirk on her face.

I ignore her comment and handed her the cash.

"Would you like it in a plastic bag or brown bag? She says calmly and sweet but I guess I wasn't in the mood for anyone to even bother.

"Brown bag." I replied while rolling my eyes.

As I walk out of the store carefully, so nobody I know will see me. As soon as I get home I go straight to the bathroom before my mom or dad sees me with a brown bag and start asking questions. They are so annoying they never mind there own damn business.

As I sat on the toilet I started to pee on the stick scared and worried. I waited for ten minutes like it said on the box. I felt a tear running down my cheek. I am so scared. I haven't had my period and the fact that I know what I did make it so much worse. Literally hoping is a negative sign.

Ten minute has passed and I start shaking again. I take a look at it and start to cry. It turn out to be a pink positive sign. I should've known better. Why me?

I was saying to my self , how stupid I am , I'm only fifteen and fucking pregnant! What the hell is wrong with me? How am I even going to tell my mom and dad? The only person I can actually tell and hopefully don't end up hating me is my best friend.

As I try to clean my face and make like I'm not crying I take the bag and box and everything with me to my room and trying to make no noise , I legit felt like a pregnant ninja.

I put the bag in my backpack and going to throw it away first thing in the morning in the big dumpster and hoping no one will see me. I want nobody to know especially my mom and dad! I will tell them soon or I have no freaking idea.

As I lay down thinking so much at what I'm going to do with my life now. I can't even imagine my self as a mom anytime soon, I'm not ready for any of this. Who would have know with just one guy at a party can ruin your life.I couldn't help my self of crying so much that I finally cry my self to sleep.


Thanks for reading my first chapter of this book. I'm excited and hopefully you are too. Please leave comments and vote. This is my first book , so bare with me on my mistake. I will be editing each chapter constantly. Thank you so much hopefully you'll keep on reading my book. Ill get better one each chapter. There will be lots of P.O.V and this book is going to be very dramatic and sexual. Leave ideas in the comments or personal message me . But thanks for reading and hopefully you'll keep reading. I love you.
- g.xo

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